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The French and Indian War

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1 The French and Indian War

2 French v. English Both settle in New World in the 1600s
”New France” – parts of Canada, expanded South exploring the Mississippi River 13 colonies Clash over North America Both want Ohio River Valley Leads to Mississippi French Controlled


4 Tensions Rise Colonists side with British
British gov’t urged the colonies to work together Albany Conference – 1754 7/13 colonies with Iroquois to form alliance First time meeting together for colonies Albany Plan of Union Ben Franklin Colonies should come together and form a united government Rejected, but shows start of working together


6 War Seven Years War – England French and Indian War - America
Conflict began when young soldier, George Washington, protected a for from French Native Americans help French British cut off French supplies and seized capital of New France

7 Treaty of Paris Ended war in 1763
Eliminated French power in North America All French Territory east of Mississippi River becomes British territory

8 Impact Great Britain victory = debt Felt like colonies should help pay
Cost a lot to protect colonies Felt like colonies should help pay Proclamation of 1763 Drew a line along App. Mountains Colonists can’t move west of line Land goes to Natives peace


10 Significance Long-term cause of the American Revolution Betrayal
Proclamation of 1763 Taxes

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