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Academic Self Review..

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1 Academic Self Review.

2 Academic Self Review Setting Targets During the year you will be asked to reflect on your progress and set yourself targets. Setting clear targets you can action will help you improve your current grades and work towards your target grades State exactly what you want to do. Who? What? Where? When? Which? Why? How will you know that your on track? Give concrete criteria. How much? How many? What are your goals? Develop a positive mind-set and move towards them. Be realistic. Make the goals fit with what your aiming for. Make sure that a goal represents progress. You will need a timeframe to work towards. What will you achieve when?

3 Academic Self Review Things that work…. Most students think that if you spend time practicing and revising you will get better. Practice does not make perfect, but perfect practice makes perfect. You will need to plan how you work not just how long. Here are some examples t help you start to make some SMART targets. You will need to practice skills and follow feedback as well as revising content. Organising files so they match the specification content Set specific times to work on each subject Use a planner or diary to spread out deadlines Use mind-maps/diagrams to sort information Use a revision wall or flash cards Exploring other resources to help you Balance work between subjects Changing the way you revise, complete questions rather than reviewing notes Writing exam answers under timed conditions Reading model answers Using past exam papers and planning answers Ask staff for Key skills check lists for your subject Speaking with other students who have performed better than you Ask for help, take part in class discussion Be honest with yourself when you do not understand Study mark schemes or examiners reports Mark your own work to a mark scheme Create your own exam question One to One discussion with subject teacher

4 Academic Self Review Data Review Date: Subject Subject Subject
Current Grade Target Grade Reaction to Performance Advice from teachers Smart Targets Current Grade Target Grade Reaction to Performance Advice from teachers Smart Targets Current Grade Target Grade Reaction to Performance Advice from teachers Smart Targets

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