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Learning in the Future Top 8 Trends

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1 Learning in the Future Top 8 Trends
Talent Research & innovation

2 You Teach Me, I Teach You Learn from anyone. Democratization of expertise. Learners will be more concerned with “experiential pedigree” than “educational pedigree.” Traditional hierarchal and seniority-driven faculty models will give way to newer “learn from anyone” model.

3 1-The Foraging Learner Is looking for content, experience, networking.

4 2 - Nourished Neurons, Dancing Dendrites, & Singing Synapses
Interested in brain-friendly learning. Brain science will be merging with learning science such as how to better organize and sequence content. Immersion learning will become more frequently used.

5 3 - Precisely for Me Increase in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. More data analytics used for learning needs. More personal learning experiences developed.

6 4 - Learning for Everyone
You teach me – I teach you. Experiential pedigree combined with engaging teaching. Not so concerned with academic degree for teaching Creativity, socio-emotional intelligence and complex reasoning are the skills that are rising in importance across every work role. These skills are not taught in today’s learning systems. They are acquired through practice, experience and often over long-time periods Shift focus from Institutions to Individuals: Incentivize each individual to develop a broader blend of skills, rather than only targeting the output of institutions in terms of graduates or certifications

7 5 - Work/Learn Fusion We need to bring learning to people, instead of bringing people to learning. More use of augmented reality – contact lenses

8 6 – Design for Intelligent Curation
Human curiosity combined with time constraints Tag content, chunk content, intelligently tagged More videos (6-20 seconds) In Learning Management Systems scan course titles AND subtitles so can locate content needed “Curate before you create”

9 7 - Being (Digitally) Human
Value in social learning will continue Use of “social physics” to figure out who you should be aligning with to help you in your work/life ventures. Instructor-Led Training will continue but more with the highest valued instructors

10 8 – Immersive Reinvented
More storytelling and gameful engagement aided by immersive technologies. Need to capture heart and mind to aid in learning. In a class, will need to capture heart and mind on Day 1. Speed up Experiential Learning: From design thinking in the board room to simulation training tools for technical roles; from on-the-job training initiatives to apprenticeships. Apply new technologies like virtual reality and AI to make learning more immersive, engaging and personalized Onboarding at Accenture. Learning content gets more complex each day and end with lots of teamwork. Day 1 – Acronym puzzle. Day 2 –Company locations puzzle. Last Day – work together with other new employees on more complex puzzle.

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