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Zonta International District 16 13th Biennial Conference

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1 Zonta International District 16 13th Biennial Conference
Hon Louise Upston Minister for Women @LouiseUpston @women_nz Zonta International District 16 13th Biennial Conference 19 September 2015

2 The employment rate for women has increased
% Source: Statistics New Zealand, Household Labour Force Survey (annual data is for Q1, employment rate measures percentage of working-age population who are employed)

3 Women’s participation on state sector boards has increased

4 Women’s participation on NZSX boards has increased
% Sources: Human Rights Commission (2003 to 2012 data, top 100 NZSX companies), NZX data (2013 and 2014, NZSX listed companies (excluding overseas companies)).

5 Reduction in overall gender pay gap
Not the only way to measure the gender pay gap, e.g. can measure by mean average earnings, weekly earnings. Hence different interpretations. Still a gap present. Source: Statistics New Zealand, New Zealand Income Survey

6 Inspiring Women “Standout leaders aren’t perfect. You have to be brave enough to recognise your blind spots so you can surround yourself with people who complement you.” – Vicky Taylor, general manager Smartfoods, board director

7 Inspiring Women “Change can be incremental and slow, or it can leapfrog stages. When we collaborate with partners that are unlike us, it creates the opportunity to leap ahead.” – Sacha McMeeking, social entrepreneur, strategist

8 Inspiring Women “I’ve been really lucky that I’ve had two mentors who are rural based engineers who have helped to keep me going to the point where I’ve become a chartered engineer, which is a great feather in my cap”. Keri Johnson, engineer, entrepreneur, farmer

9 Zonta International District 16 13th Biennial Conference
Hon Louise Upston Minister for Women @LouiseUpston @women_nz Zonta International District 16 13th Biennial Conference 19 September 2015

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