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Lamin B1 alters MBP and PLP distribution patterns.

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1 Lamin B1 alters MBP and PLP distribution patterns.
Lamin B1 alters MBP and PLP distribution patterns. (A) Mouse OPCs were infected with a GFP vector (control) or the construct expressing GFP-LMNB1 (LB1) and were then cultured in proliferation (+PDGF) or differentiation medium (+T3) for 5 days. Immunocytochemistry of oligodendrocytes was performed with antibodies against NG2, GalC, CNP, MBP, PLP and MAG (red). (B) Western blot analysis of CNP, MBP, PLP, MAG and GAPDH expression in protein lysates from the OPC cultures described in (A). (C) Sholl analysis of oligodendrocytes overexpressing the GFP vector (white bars) or the GFP-LMNB1 construct (black bars). Shell radius indicates the distances from the cell body. Error bars represent s.e.m. (n=7 for vector control, n=8 for LB1). (D) Western blot analysis of LMNB1 (LB1), CNP, MBP, PLP, MAG and GAPDH expression in protein lysates from the brain tissues from two ADLD brains (Pt1 and Pt2) and one normal control brain. (E) Protein quantities were plotted in relation to the quantities of LMNB1 in (D). Shu-Ting Lin, and Ying-Hui Fu Dis. Model. Mech. 2009;2: ©2009 by The Company of Biologists Limited

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