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Norwegian Civil Society Sector and the Active Citizens Fund

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1 Norwegian Civil Society Sector and the Active Citizens Fund
Csilla Czimbalmos November 2018

2 Norwegian Helsinki Committee

3 NHC’s role Contact point coordinating information-sharing and promoting bilateral cooperation between civil society organisations in Norway and the beneficiary countries.

4 Civil society in Norway
NGOs Large, dynamic and innovative sector 80 % of Norwegians are members of one or more organisations(s)

5 Recognized role of civil society
Establish channels of political influence Evaluate and criticise the work of the government Engage and educate the public Train members to understand democracy and its rules Provide a wide range of services Represent the interests of different groups in the society

6 Tendencies Decrease in the overall number of local organizations
Increase in the number of organizations with national outreach Possible reason: better registries for organizations, social media and internet based outreach

7 Tendencies On local level: increase in organizations involved in cultural activities and sports as well as in organized local communities On national level: dominated by professional associations (business, employment, unions) with an increase in organizations working with social and societal issues, cultre and leisure Possible reason: better registries for organizations, social media and internet based outreach

8 Tendencies The national and local level are more or less independent of each other. Local organizations arrange activities for their own members National outreach organizations organize activities for a wider target group Possible reason: better registries for organizations, social media and internet based outreach

9 Tendencies Membership in organizations is in slight decline (service provision for public and volunteers have become more important than membership) Increase in amount of volunteering (over man years in 2014 from about in 2009). Possible reason: better registries for organizations, social media and internet based outreach

10 Political involvment and outreach
Regular contact with decision making bodies has decreased, but the number of contacts has increased Contact with parliament and ministries Decrease in traditional corporative representation of organizations in decision-making bodies, but at the same time wider spectre of strategies to influence decision-making Lobby Advocacy Campaigns addressing specific causes

11 Areas of most interest

12 Competencies and contribution
Advocacy, awareness raising and outreach to citizens Citizen activism, volunteering and civic participation Capacity building of civil sector, including sustainability, networking and accountability Partnership between NGOs, public and private sector entities Participation in policy and decision-making processes, including promoting an enabling environment for civil society  

13 Why a Norwegian partner?

14 Key elements of success
Common understanding of important values Common understanding of content and strategy Developing the project together Good project planning Building good and sustainable relations Long-term perspective Agreement of financial framework

15 Tools for partnerships

16 NGO database


18 More information NGOPartnershipPortal

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