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Adult Education and Disability

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Presentation on theme: "Adult Education and Disability"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adult Education and Disability
Rhoda Garland 17th May 2017

2 Introduction What is the history? Specific and Mainstream Provision
Rights Fears What can be done? Universal Design Teaching Approach

3 What is the history? Pre 1985 education was segregated
No need to educate disabled children Disabled adults do not have the necessary skills Low levels of self esteem Lack of Confidence in the system

4 Specific and Mainstream Education
Specific Educational Institutes / Programmes Mainstream Education CRPD Courses University Experience Provision of Appropriate Support

5 Rights Equal Opportunities (Persons with Disabilities) Act 2000
Education Employment United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disablity

6 Fears Disruption Lack of knowledge Lack of Support Fear of the unknown

7 What needs to be done? Change in culture Access Physical Informational

8 Universal Design Teaching Approach
Move from personal assistive technologies to universal design Not only accessibility to information but use of an accessible pedagogy Multiple means of representation Multiple means of expression Multiple means of engagement

9 UDL Guidelines Options for perception Options for language and symbols
Options for comprehension Options for physical action Options for expressive skills / fluency Options for executive functions Options for recruiting interest Options for sustaining effort / persistence Options for self regulation

10 Summary Need for understanding of the individual impairment and support requirements Need for flexible approach in preparation and delivery of study units Institutional flexibility to recognise positive outcomes that prove knowledge through non-traditional methods Need to teach more accessible techniques to student teachers

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