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Alexander The Great, Adventures at Granicus, Miletus and Halicarnassus

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1 Alexander The Great, Adventures at Granicus, Miletus and Halicarnassus
By Alex Schuddeboom and Caitlyn Downing

2 Timeline

3 Map

4 Events Leading up to Granicus
Alexander begins assembling forces to go into Asia Minor and fight the Persian empire. Alexander deals with an insurrection at Thebes. Alexander hears that Persian satraps were waiting to fight him on the other side of the Granicus river Memnon advised the satraps to undertake a scorched earth policy but was ignored

5 Before the battle Persian satraps set up on the other side of the river. Parmenio advises Alexander till wait till dawn Alexander replies “but I should be ashamed of myself if a trickle of water like this were too much for us to cross” – Arrian Alexander then attacks during the night

6 Granicus (Deployment)
Key: Blue = Alex’s forces Red=Persian Yellow=Companions Arrow=Cavalry Box=Infantry

7 Stages of Battle Reinforced Thessalians feign a charge.
Gets Infantry to bang weapons against shields to scare Persian forces

8 Stages of Battle Satraps move cavalry to counter
and Companions charge weak middle

9 Stages of Battle Companions engage middle, Thessalians fall back

10 Stages of Battle Alexander and companions defeat middle and rejoin Thessalians to kill satrap cavalry

11 Stages of Battle Companions and Thessalians engage Satrap cavalry

12 Stages of Battle Persian forces flee

13 After the battle Spoils sent to Greek states
Greek mercenaries captured were executed – “Ordering a combined assault by infantry and cavalry, Alexander quickly had them surrounded and butchered to a man, though one or two may have escaped notice among the heaps of dead. About 2,000 were taken prisoner.” - Arrian

14 Miletus The commander at Miletus had contacted Alex announcing surrender When he heard the Persian fleet was nearby he decided to fight Alex. Athenian fleet arrived first and blocked harbour entrance The city soon fell Alex negotiated with mercenaries to join him

15 Disbanding of the fleet
After Miletus Alex ordered the Athenian fleet to disband “Alexander decided to disband the fleet, since he was short of money; he saw too that his fleet was no match for the Persians and he had no wish to risk defeat even with a portion of his force. Moreover, he considered that as he now controlled Asia minor with his army he no longer-needed a fleet; by taking the costal cities he would destroy the Persian fleet, for they would have nowhere to get fresh crews from and no port to dock at.” – Arrian

16 Halicarnassus A merchant city that with the help of Memnon had surrounded itself with a 45 ft wide moat Alexander began filling in the moat When Alex finally got inside the walls Memnon fled to a nearby island The leader of Halicarnassus Orontopotes fled to a nearby fort and was besieged for 12 months by forces Alex left behind

17 Summary of Alexander Tactics and Strategy – Ingenuity, Originality and Initiative (seen in all fights) Led from the front (Granicus) Determination (Halicarnassus ) Outmanoeuvring Enemy ( Granicus )

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