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2nd Annual Principal and MTL Retreat

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1 2nd Annual Principal and MTL Retreat
June 28th, 2010 8:30 am – 11:30 am South Division High School

2 Learning Intentions We are learning to make connections between the work of the MMP and the role it plays in meeting district expectations in mathematics achievements. We are learning to understand the role of the MTL as a catalyst to promote instructional change in mathematics We are learning to understand the role of the instructional leader in order to initiate, implement and sustain change in mathematics instruction.

3 Success Criteria You will know you are successful when you are able to make connections to district documents and use them as a tool to focus your work for school year.

4 Looking Back…. Work with your table group to brainstorm the MMP initiatives that have been developed over the past 7 years. Be prepared to share out whole group. Paper on table for brainstorming Ask each table for 1 initiative to chart until all listed

5 Celebrating Successes!
Reflect on one success you accomplished in your mathematics initiative this school year. Individually complete chart: Why was this a success? What was your role in this initiative? What resources were used to guide your work? MMP, District (SIP), School tools/resources Table sharing Rotate so each person is able to share success story guide to think of MMP tools: CMF, LT continuum with tools; LT continuum with FA; MTL Roles and Responsibilities District tools/resources: SIP, PDSA, data warehouse School tools/resources: action plan; PD schedule, MTL schedule

6 Next Steps What do you want to see happening in your school
next year that you didn’t see happening in mathematics this year? Individually complete chart: Why is this the next step? What will accomplishing this step do to improve student achievement in your school? What will your role in this initiative be? What tools/resources will contribute to this success? MMP, District, School Table sharing Rotate so each person is able to share next steps. guide to think of MMP tools: CMF, LT continuum with tools; LT continuum with FA; MTL Roles and Responsibilities District tools/resources: SIP, PDSA, data warehouse School tools/resources: action plan; PD schedule, MTL schedule

7 Challenges What are some anticipated road blocks?
Brainstorm and discuss possible solutions Chart roadblocks

8 Break time Move to the new room in order to share information with your Principal/MTL.

9 MTL and Principal Sharing Successes
Discuss each others success What commonalities do you see in each others successes? What differences emerged? MTL and Principal discuss with each other

10 Was it all roses? Think back…
What were some of the “bumps in the road” that you had to overcome to help this initiative take off? Jot down some notes and list strategies that you implemented to push through these “bumps”. Share out with your table group. Looking for…what are the MMP resources that were used by schools MTS supported grade level discussions Used subs to release teachers Used action plan monies Learning Team supported one idea throughout building

11 Networking Opportunity
Find another person in the room and share your school’s steps to success. (4 minutes) Return to your original group. Share any new information you learned with your table group.

12 Closing thoughts… People want to contribute to a cause, to
have purpose and meaning in their work; seeing purpose and opportunity in one’s work unleashes creative power, productivity, quality, and value. M. Fullan, 2004 Think about this statement. How does it connect to you, your work, your staff as your reflect on your work from last year and as you plan for next year. Share out…1-2 if time permits. Or close this thing fast!

13 Next Steps… Discussion points for Day 2
Discuss your next steps Share completed template Discuss the merits of each next step. Anticipated outcomes and benefits. Identify the MMP, District and School resources/tools can be used to support this initiative. Identify documentation that will be collected to provide evidence of success. MTL and Principal discuss

14 Day 2 continued… Complete the Principal/MTL Retreat Plan of Action template. Submit an electronic copy to Bernard Rahming. Deadline: July 2nd, 2010

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