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(1) (2) (3) Using HMC980 eval board

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1 (1) (2) (3) Using HMC980 eval board
Connecting Vdrain in to HMV980 (5V), MMIC Vd not connected. Pulsing Vdig to HMC980 (top traces). Vgate (lower traces) Gate from HMC980 in three states: Open circuit -ve goes on then tries to turn up as expected Connected to MPA -ve charges gate caps the tries to servo up as expected – this amp sequences ok Connected to PA -ve goes on (rapidly, I have removed gate decoupling) Voltage from HMC980 will not go beyond -0.43V -applying Vgate using power supply: at -0.43V current goes from 0 to 10 mA, this must be what is shutting down the HMC980 -amp works only when a fixed –ve gate is supplied with Vd from HMC980 -HMC data sheet Igate max 4mA! (2) Vdig Vgate (3)

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