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Southwater Infant Academy Welcome to Year 1
18th September 2018
Settling into Year 1 - Green Wing
Well done for building up the children’s confidence to make the transition from EYFS to Year 1, and for helping your child to come straight into school. Any important messages can be left at the door with a member of the Academy staff. If it is a longer message or discussion, please make an appointment to see your child’s teacher at a convenient time. Andrea
The Year 1 Curriculum Our curriculum has been developed for our children, linking with the Primary Curriculum, and equipping them with the skills required to succeed in our ever-changing world. In Green Wing we teach the revised Southwater Infant Academy curriculum, which covers the 2014 Primary National Curriculum. Andrea
Themes Autumn term- ‘Bog Baby and London Calling’
Spring term- ‘Carnival of the Animals’ Summer term- ‘Through the Window’ Andrea
English The key objectives covered in English
during Year 1 are in your pack. Common exception words for Year 1 and 2 are also in your pack. These are taken from the 2014 Primary Curriculum. Your child is now bringing home spellings to learn, taken from word houses.. Teachers will check and mark these books on a weekly basis. Children will be writing every day at the Academy , practise at home will help enormously. Children’s speaking and listening skills are developed through activities such as drama and role play. Morwenna
Reading Your child’s reading has been assessed and they have been given a Reading Journal and a reading book to bring home. Daily opportunities will be given for changing books. Please ask your child to change their book if they have already read it. The Reading journal aims to increase and improve communication between the Academy and parents. Children will be required to place their reading journal into a separate box and it will be checked and initialled by an adult each day. Morwenna Your child’s teacher or teaching assistant will listen to your child read often.
Reading Please continue to read daily at home with your child for at least 10 minutes every day. We will also expect children in Year 1 to complete a book review once a week, there is a box for this in their journals. It has been proven that parents are the most important reading role models for children and young people. (National Literacy Trust, Reaching Out with Role Models, April 2009) so PLEASE also spend some additional time reading to your children each day. When reading with your child at home please focus on these areas: Fluency Expression Discussion of the text and individual words and phrases Questions about the story, including inferred questions. Examples of these are included in your pack. Remind parents of the reading challenge – Rainbow, Bronze, Silver and Gold - Morwenna
Mathematics involves Number, Calculation and Problem Solving Geometry
Measure Reasoning Geometry Mention read and write num - Andrea bers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words. Mention that Geometry/shape includes position.
Mathematics We use many resources such as; number lines, Multilink and Numicon to help support learning. Key objectives covered in Mathematics during Year 1 are in your pack. The children practise mental calculations on a daily basis. Please practise as much mental maths at home as you can. Children in Year 1 will be expected to know by heart their number bonds to 10 then 20, doubles and halves to 20 and will be able to count in 2’s 5’s and 10’s. Mathematical challenges will continue to be sent home every fortnight, they will be in the form of a sticker in your child’s reading journal. These aim to support your child’s mathematical development. Andrea
Forest Schools Each class in Year One will experience Forest Schools for a block of 3 Fridays. This will be in the Summer Term. During a Forest School session, we are based in the Conservation Area with Forest School Leaders and volunteers, and a member of staff from the Academy. More details will follow. Emily
Green Wing Learning a = indicating this work has been aided
Final pieces of work will often be done straight into a Learning Journal book. Skills based work will usually be done in ‘nuts and bolts’ books, maths books, handwriting books or will be placed in your child’s phonics folders. You will still be able to see your child’s work on Parents Evenings, and we will still be using the same symbols to mark. a = indicating this work has been aided v = indicating the work has been talked about I = indicating independent work TD = indicating teacher directed work SI = indicating self-initiated work On some of their work there will be an assessment sticker or strip with steps to success. If they are highlighted green then the child has achieved that step and if they are pink that is their target for the next piece of work. Maths some of their work – Emily
Green Wing Learning We want your child to be able to reflect upon their learning. Please share Tapestry with your child at home and upload any direct quotes relating to their successes and next steps. When looking through your child’s journal you may see a Red, Amber or Green traffic light. This is a method of children assessing their own work. Teachers will often refer to children’s traffic lights in their marking, helping children to know how they can progress in their own learning I need some more help I would like some more practise I need a new challenge Emily
Green Wing Assessment Children are assessed and their progress monitored regularly by class teachers. This enables us to ensure that all children are making progress and that the next steps in their learning are planned for. During parents evening you will be able to discuss the Year Group expectations that your child is working on, and whether they are likely to meet these expectations at the end of the year. Children will be assessed by indicating their progress and achievement against Year Group Expectations. Morwenna
Tapestry We are delighted that Tapestry will continue into Year One
Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to upload home-learning to Tapestry. It is really supportive of our assessments and allows us to see how children are applying their learning from the Academy to what they do at home. You will still be able to see your child’s learning on Tapestry, please do comment on the pictures and videos that we upload. If you do not have time to comment but have seen the upload please click the ‘like’ button so we know it has been seen. Account will be deleted if permission not given. No names will be shared within the group observations. Morwenna
How are children supported in their learning in Year 1?
Each class teacher plans and differentiates work to meet the needs of every child. They provide supported and extended activities to enable the children to meet and exceed their potential. A range of groups are provided, dependent on the needs of the children. These include: Rising Stars, Maths Magicians and Phonics groups to either extend or support where necessary. Add link to - Morwenna
Pupil Premium Your child may be eligible for Pupil Premium funding if you receive… -Income support, income based jobseekers allowance or income related employment and support. Support under Part VI of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999 or Social Services Asylum Team -Child tax credit, providing you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an income of £16,190 or less. Universal Credit – for those applying on or after 1 April 2018, your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits they get) This will mean your child is entitled to items of uniform, and funding for the cost of trips and clubs. If you think you are eligible please speak in confidence to the office staff ASAP. Andrea
Green Wing Housekeeping
If your child brings a packed lunch from home, please ensure you only include healthy food in your child’s lunchbox, no sweets or chocolate. Please note we are a nut-free school. Remember hot meals are available free for every child. These continue to be popular with the children. Please visit the Easy Lunch website to view the current menus. Emily
Green Wing Housekeeping
For their 2 sessions of P.E., every child should have both an indoor and outdoor P.E. kit for their weekly lessons. Please ensure they have their P.E. kit at the Academy every day. PLEASE NAME EVERYTHING. Don’t forget that the Academy office opens at 8.30am. If your child is going to be late or absent for any reason, please ring the Academy office after this time so that the class teacher can be informed. Emily Please remember that holidays during term time will not be authorised.
Class Dojo Class Dojo will continue in Year One.
Within the Academy we have 5 class learning toys to encourage positive learning behaviours: Communication Respect Creativity Teamwork Growth Mindset Class Dojo reflects and records your child's achievements in relation to these learning behaviours. Morwenna
Parent Help Thank you to all of you who have offered to help in Green Wing.
Looking forward… Phonics and Spelling meeting at 9.15am and 2:00pm on Friday 5th October Phonic Screening checks in June…
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