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Mrs.Dharshana Senanayake Director General

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs.Dharshana Senanayake Director General"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Monitoring and Evaluation Plans and Strategies to overcome the Challenges and Issues
Mrs.Dharshana Senanayake Director General Department of Project Management and Monitoring

2 Introduction DPMM - National Focal Point for M&E
DPMM – Key Development Partner to ensure development effectiveness DPMM do monitoring of all development projects and programmes - Project progress review / Sector reviews - Donor portfolio reviews - Field Visit

3 Introduction Evaluations Rapid Assessment
undertakes on-going and ex-post evaluation on a selective basis Conduct joint evaluation with development partners However, there are challenges in evaluation as follows:

4 Enabling Environment - Issues
Absence of evaluation policy to make evaluation mandatory and institutionalize evaluation in public sector and there by create a evaluation culture Need of Political will - high level commitment Lack of demand for evaluation - seen it as a fault finding exercise Inadequate comprehensive statistical system for evaluation

5 Enabling environment - Strategies
National M& E Policy - DPMM has drafted a M&E Policy and stakeholder consultations were held . Sensitization of Policymakers including Parliamentarians to strengthen demand and use of evaluation Advocacy for evaluation and develop national Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines/Standards/ Ethics Strengthen the statistical system

6 Institutional Capacity - Issues
Absence of evaluation mechanisms / Guidelines Inadequate financial resources and technical expertise in institutions (capacity constraints) Lack of dissemination and feedback arrangement and weak management responses

7 Institutional Capacity - Strategies
Strengthen institution arrangement including designated unit / staff with TOR Establish evaluation culture / institutionalization of evaluation Establish link between key partners with regard to accountability and lesson learning

8 Individual Capacity - Issues
Skills / knowledge / competencies Absence of commitment and attitudes and mindset - Reluctant / resistance to change Lack of training opportunities in conduct and use of evaluation Performance assessment system

9 Individual Capacity - Strategies
Adequate skills training Involve in joint / collaborative evaluation in all levels Learning from best practice models Networking – Institutions / Professionals / Evaluation Forum etc Code of conduct / ethics / Standards

10 Coordination Strengthen partnerships –Government / Civil Societies / Development partners Quality assurance of evaluation Networking / Dissemination / Feedback and Management responses.

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