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Christmas Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Christmas Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christmas Presentation
Robert Mears, MSc by Res student Supervisor: Proff. Jeff Forshaw

2 Soft Gluon evolution and non-global logarithms
Jets “Precise predictions for observables at particle colliders often cannot be achieved without the resummation of logarithmically enhanced contributions to all orders in perturbation theory”

3 Global and non Global Observables
Real and virtual corrections cancel Only small number of emissions need to be accounted for Resumation achievable Non Global Real and virtual corrections DON’T cancel Arbitrary number of emissions needed Resumation very difficult

4 Goals of the research “We consider algorithmic, recursive definitions of QCD amplitudes for the radiation of many soft gluons and including leading virtual corrections to all orders” “In this paper, our aim is to present a general framework that can be used as a basis for future automated resummations”.

5 The algorithm

6 My goals this year: To develop a good understanding of QCD.
To understand the algorithm physically and mathematically. To use the algorithm to calculate the Jet Hemisphere mass and other observables. Jet hemisphere mass resummation

7 Thanks for listening!

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