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Words with prefixes mis, dis, and pre.

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1 Words with prefixes mis, dis, and pre.
3rd Grade March 4-8, 2019 Spelling Words VOCABULARY Words with prefixes mis, dis, and pre. Spelling List 1 Spelling List 2 1. misprint misclassify 2. misread miscalculate 3. mistrust misbelieve 4. misspell misguessing 5. mistreat mislocate 6. precut pretreat 7. preview prearrange 8. prepaid preexisting 9. preplan predrilling 10. distrust predetermine 11. discount disorganized 12. discount discontented 13. dishonest disassemble 14. discover discourage 15. disable disagreeable Spelling test will be given on this Thursday, March 7th. Students will have the same vocabulary words for two weeks. Please make sure your child studies nightly. A vocabulary will be given on Thursday, March 7th. achievement-something that you accomplish apologized- to say you’re sorry attention- to watch, listen, or concentrate on something audience –a group of people gathered to hear or see something confidence – trust of faith in something or someone embarrassed – to feel shy; uncomfortable or ashamed realized – to understand or become aware of something talents – natural abilities or skills UPCOMING EVENTs March 4th – Picture Day March 20th – End of 3rd Grading Period

2 3rd Grade March 4-8, 2019 What we are Learning Homework ASSIGNMENTS ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Students will read, compare and contract two realistic fiction stories, “The Talented Clementine” and ”Clementine and the Family Meeting.” Students will discuss settings, problems, compare the two stories’ characters, point of view, and themes. The skill we will be working on is inferencing. Their vocabulary quiz will be this Thursday, March 7th. Students will be given a cold read assessment on Friday, March 8th. MATH Students will learn how to identify, analyze, compare shapes by their attributes. . Social Studies Students will be learning about Economics. Students will be able to distinguish between goods and services, Students will be able to identify producers and consumers and the relationship between them. MONDAY – Spelling 3 times each first 8 words, Reading passage - read 20 min, study vocabulary, and Math page 815 all and on page 816 problems 6, 9, and 12. TUESDAY –Spelling 3 times each last 7 words, study vocabulary, Reading passage, Read for 20 min., and Math page 821 all, and on page 822 problems 9, 10, and 11. WEDNESDAY –Spelling Fraction activity the even numbered words, study for Spelling test tomorrow, Reading passage, Read for 20 min., and study vocabulary (quiz tomorrow) , and Math page 827 all and on page 828 problems 7, and 10. THURSDAY – Read for 20 minutes, Reading passage, study vocabulary, Math page 837 and on page 838 and return weekly folder signed with work. *******On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night, you may count your reading passage as part of your 20 minutes of reading. Contact Information Phone: Website:

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