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PROJECT “Support measures for small-scale fishing - Actions aimed to enhance the participatory role of Mediterranean small-scale fishing in the decision.

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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT “Support measures for small-scale fishing - Actions aimed to enhance the participatory role of Mediterranean small-scale fishing in the decision."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROJECT “Support measures for small-scale fishing - Actions aimed to enhance the participatory role of Mediterranean small-scale fishing in the decision making and advisory processes at national and EU level” ArtFISHMed Summary of data collected through the questionnaires fulfilled by representatives of the organizations dealing with SSF in the the EU-Mediterranean Countries Co-funded by:

2 Methodology An Archive of the organizations dealing with SSF in the the EU-Mediterranean Countries was set up through a detailed research carried out using the MEDAC and Unimar contacts and supported by a web search A questionnaire was transmitted by to all the organizations included in the Archive; through the questionnaire, translated in 7 languages, 10 questions were submitted to the organizations asking information and opinions about SSF and its representation by the point of view of the stakeholders; after a first delivery to the MEDAC members, three more messages were sent to all the organizations of the Archive in order to obtain the higher possible number of fulfilled questionnaires

3 Results summary Total 45 fulfilled questionnaires were obtained, representing a big part of SSF in the interested Countries: many of the feedbacks came from organizations representing a group of sub-regional or local organizations included in the Archive (i.e. the FBCP - Federación Provincial de Cofradías de Pescadores De Baleares, sent the questionnaire on behalf of its 16 member Cofradías, all included in the Archive). The results about the number of vessels (and companies) compared with the fleet data confirm the wide representation of the information collected.

4 Environmental association Fisheries association 22 FLAG 8 Other
N. of fulfilled questionnaires, by Country N. of fulfilled questionnaires, by type of organization Country n. Croatia 3 Cyprus 1 France 11 Greece 4 International/ EU Italy 12 Malta 2 Slovenia Spain 8 Total 45 Type of organization n. Chambre of commerce 2 Cofradía 1 Environmental association Fisheries association 22 FLAG 8 Other Producers' Organization Prud'homie 4 Trade Union 3 Total 45



7 Country n. notes Country n. notes
Q5 - How many associations in your country deal with SSF? Q6 - How many SSF fishers do you estimate are not represented in your Country? Country n. notes Croatia 3 National associations and Chambre of Commerce Cyprus 2 National associations Greece - no answers Italy 6 to 10 France 33-43 prud'homie Malta Slovenia 1 Chambre of Commerce Spain 88 cofradias w/answer 24 no answer 21 Country n. notes Croatia Cyprus 250 Greece only one answer (“none”): this data doesn't match with the information about the lack of active associations Italy 1000, 4000 2 answers France Malta - no answers Slovenia Spain 20, 3000 w/answer 12 no answer 33




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