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Prospects for TeV Scale New Physics at LHC

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1 Prospects for TeV Scale New Physics at LHC
Reisaburo Tanaka (Okayama University) On behalf of ATLAS-Japan KEK Theory Meeting 2006 March 2-4, 2006

2 Prospects for TeV Scale New Physics at LHC
3. Higgs Precision measurements at LHC Top quark mass ΔMtop W boson mass ΔMW Very challenging ! Magnetic filed or momentum resolution ΔB/B(or Δp/p) < 0.02%, Tracker Material known to < 1% etc. LEP EW working group, Summer 2005 Tevatron RUN-I RUN-II LHC 178.04.3GeV 1.3 GeV 1 GeV Tevatron + LEP Tevatron RUN-II LHC 80.410±0.032GeV 17 MeV 10 MeV Prospects for TeV Scale New Physics at LHC

3 Prospects for TeV Scale New Physics at LHC
Limit on the Higgs mass Mtop Indirect limit indirect excluded direct LEP direct limit Prospects for TeV Scale New Physics at LHC

4 Prospects for TeV Scale New Physics at LHC
SM Higgs discovery potential L=30fb-1 >8σsignificance (MH>114GeV:LEP limit) S.Asai et al., C32 Suppl. 2 (2004) 19 Light Higgs VBF・Hττ Heavy Higgs VBF・HWW Multiple discovery modes for MH<200GeV MH>200GeV H→ZZ→4lepton (gold plated) >20σ VBF WW(*) L=10fb-1 > 5σ  → Discovery after 1year LHC RUN ZZ(*)  ttH Prospects for TeV Scale New Physics at LHC

5 MSSM Higgs discovery potential
5 Higgs bosons h,H,A,H± Descrive mA and tanβ at tree level. Larege bbH/A coupling at large tanβ  H/A→ττ, μμ, bb  μμ channel is important at the beginning of LHC  ∵ Commissioning μμ<ττ<<bb Can observe charged Higgs via gbtH- at tanβ>10   Cover whole (mA, tan) plane for MSSM Higgs with L=30fb-1 data Observe only h similar to HSM. Prospects for TeV Scale New Physics at LHC

6 Prospects for TeV Scale New Physics at LHC
Little Higgs Higgs is a pseudo-Goldstone boson from global symmetry breaking. Higgs acquires a mass radiatively at the EW scale v. → quadratic divergences absent at one-loop level. Goldstone bosons →  Heavy Gauge Bosons WH, ZH, H ~ 1 TeV Heavy Top quark T ~ 1 TeV Triplet Higgs φ, φ, φ0 ~ 10 TeV N.Arkani-Hamed et al., Phys.Lett.B513(2001)232 JHEP07(2002)034, ibid. 08(2002)021 Review: M. Schmaltz, Nucl.Phys.B(Proc.Suppl.)117(2003)40 F. del Aguila et al., Acta Phys.Polon.B35(2004)2767 Little Higgs signal at LHC Heavy top TtZ, bW G. Azuelos et al., hep-ph/ , Eur.Phys.J.C39S2(2005)13-244 Prospects for TeV Scale New Physics at LHC

7 Prospects for TeV Scale New Physics at LHC
Higgsless Model C. Csáki et al., Phys.Rev.D69(2004)055006, Phys.Rev.Lett.92(2004)101802 R Warped extra dim size R, factor k Our 4D brane Planck brane fermions Gauge bosons also propagate in extra dim Gauge group in 5D : SU(2)L×SU(2)R ×U(1) Different boundaries conditions on branes break SU(2)×U(1) to U(1) : No Higgs needed. Z and Z' are KK excitations of the neutral gauge field. but strong constraints from EW precision data … Collider phenomenology: H. Davoudiasl et al.,Phys.Rev.D70(2004)015006 T.G. Rizzo, hep-ph/ Prospects for TeV Scale New Physics at LHC

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