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Increased expression of Alzheimer's disease-associated neurodegenerative proteins, including TGF-β1, S100B, T-tau, GFAP, NF-L, tTG, and BACE1 (A), β-secretase-derived.

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Presentation on theme: "Increased expression of Alzheimer's disease-associated neurodegenerative proteins, including TGF-β1, S100B, T-tau, GFAP, NF-L, tTG, and BACE1 (A), β-secretase-derived."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increased expression of Alzheimer's disease-associated neurodegenerative proteins, including TGF-β1, S100B, T-tau, GFAP, NF-L, tTG, and BACE1 (A), β-secretase-derived AβPP fragment C99 (AβPP-C99) (B), and β-amyloid peptides of 42 amino acids (Aβ42) (C), and UPS dysfunction (D) in the brains of Toxocara canis-infected mice inoculated with a single dose of 250 infective eggs, at 3 days (D3), 4 weeks (W4), 12 weeks (W12), and 20 weeks (W20) postinfection, as assessed by Western blotting. Increased expression of Alzheimer's disease-associated neurodegenerative proteins, including TGF-β1, S100B, T-tau, GFAP, NF-L, tTG, and BACE1 (A), β-secretase-derived AβPP fragment C99 (AβPP-C99) (B), and β-amyloid peptides of 42 amino acids (Aβ42) (C), and UPS dysfunction (D) in the brains of Toxocara canis-infected mice inoculated with a single dose of 250 infective eggs, at 3 days (D3), 4 weeks (W4), 12 weeks (W12), and 20 weeks (W20) postinfection, as assessed by Western blotting. (E) T. canis larva (longer arrow) found in an area close to the choroid plexus (shorter arrow) at 12 weeks postinfection. GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; W1-C and W20-C, uninfected control mice at 1 week and 20 weeks postinfection; (+)Aβ, the Aβ42 peptide was run by SDS-PAGE and then transferred to the membrane, and it was recognized by a mouse anti-Aβ42 monoclonal antibody which is regarded as a positive control. These data are our unpublished observations. Chia-Kwung Fan et al. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2015; doi: /CMR

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