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World War II.

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1 World War II

2 Causes of WWII Problems from the Treaty of Versailles.
-Germany’s resentment from the Treaty High reparations $33 billion ($402 billion today) Forbidden to have a military Lost territory Japan felt excluded from the treaty negotiations and wanted to prove their power

3 Causes of WWII 2. World Wide Depression.
Germany’s economy never recovered after WWI US Depression had global impacts High Tariffs limited trade Massive unemployment Germany began printing money, so the value of money went down (inflation)

4 Causes of WWII

5 Dictators of these countries became known as the Axis Powers
Causes of WWII 3. Rise of Fascism: a political philosophy in which total power is given to a dictator. Germany Italy Japan Dictators of these countries became known as the Axis Powers

6 Fascism What is it? Individual freedoms are denied
Censorship/ government controls the media Extreme nationalism and racism Fascism What is it? Use of violence and terror Government controls the economy Strong military

7 4. Appeasement = giving in to Hitler’s actions to avoid war
The United States and other European countries did not want to get involved in other government’s disputes because of the Great Depression and the legacy of World War I

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