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EU General legislation on waste and resources

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1 EU General legislation on waste and resources
The blue fields indicate that the EU has set environmental targets for collection and resource recovery that all nation states must attain! Framework Mother directives Waste framework directive Incl. Household waste and C&D waste Waste shipments Local authorities Incineration directive Landfill directive Treatment directives Prioritised waste flows Producer responsibility directives Packaging BAT WEEE ELV Mining waste Wastewater sludge PCB PCT Batteries and accumulators Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment EEE = Electrical and electronic equipment End–of-life Vehicles Vehicles

2 EU - environmental targets
Area Year Collection rate Recycling Recovery ELV 2015 100% 85% 95% WEEE 2016- 45% 55-80% 75-85% 2019- 65% 65-80% BAT 2016 50-75% No incineration Household waste 2020- 32% 50%

3 Member States should make sure that the final holder and/or owner can hand over free of charge his end-of-life vehicle to recognised treatment facilities if the vehicle does not have a market value/this value is negative. Member States in their implementation of these measures should make sure that producers bear all or a considerable part of the costs. The overall purpose of the producer responsibility is common to all directives. A certificate of destruction should be introduced as a precondition for deregistration of end-of life vehicles. Member States not having a deregistration system should introduce a system according to which a certificate of destruction is reported to the competent authority when the ELV is transferred to a treatment facility. A Community-wide framework is necessary in order to ensure coherence between national approaches in attaining the objectives of the community environmental policy, mainly: preserving, protecting and improving the quality of the environment, protecting human health, and a prudent and rational utilisation of natural resources. ...the attainment of the targets for reuse, recycling and recovery, taking into account the principle of subsidiarity and the polluter-pays principle. Basic principles with regard to the financing of management have to be set, and financing schemes have to contribute to high collection rates, as well as to the implementation of the principle of producer responsibility.

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