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Ms. Ashley Gutierrez Email: Room: A-13.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Ashley Gutierrez Email: Room: A-13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Ashley Gutierrez Room: A-13

2 Course Description Students will learn about the development of civilizations around the world and analyze the changes in global frameworks and their causes and consequences on human society.

3 Course Description (Cont.)
Students will apply their knowledge of civilizations and Global Patterns in a variety of formats in preparation of the World History AP Exam in May (2017).

4 AP Exam Section 1: 1 hour and 45 Minutes long
The World History Exam is 3 Hours and 15 Minutes in Length. There are two sections to the test: Section 1: 1 hour and 45 Minutes long 55 Multiple Choice Questions Section 2: 1 Hour and 30 Minutes 1 DBQ Essay (Document Based question) 1 Leq (Long Essay Question) 4 SAQs (short Answer Questions)

5 Class Procedures Enter the classroom quietly
Put all personal belongings away. Place all materials needed for class on the desk Wait until instruction has been given before requesting to go the bathroom

6 Class Procedures (Cont.)
Sharpen your pencils before class begins or after instruction has been given Treat fellow students cordially with respect when working in groups Make sure to pick up any supplies used in group work and put them in their proper place Wait for the teacher to dismiss you. The ringing of the bell does not constitute dismissal.

7 Classroom Rules Listen and follow all directions
Raise your hand and wait to be called upon before speaking Respect your classmates and your teacher Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself Come to class prepared with your materials Absolutely NO degrading your peers in the classroom

8 Cellphone/Electronics Policy
No Electronics may be used In the Classroom Two Verbal warnings Will Be Given To Put Away the Device Device Will Be Picked Up on Third Offense and Held Until the End of the School Day If the Behavior is repeated, then The phone will be submitted to the office and the student/parents will have to pay a fine ($15.00) to get the device back

9 Possible Behavioral Consequences
1st – Verbal Warning 2nd – Student/Teacher Conference 3rd – Phone Call to Parent 4th – Parent/Student/Teacher/Admin Conference 5th – Referral to the Office

10 Agendas and Do-Now’s Do-Now’s are recaps of content that was covered in class. Students will pick up their Do-Now’s and start working on them when they come into class. Do-Now’s will be reviewed in class and picked up by the Teacher

11 Agendas and Do-Now’s (Cont.)
Agendas have the Day’s Activities listed Students are responsible for Reading the Agendas and Taking out their supplies/Notes/Etc.




15 Classroom Notes Students will need Spirals to write their Notes In
Since the Ap Exam is in May, We will be lecturing Regularly throughout the week The lectures will be between Minutes depending

16 Classroom Notes (Cont.)
Grades will be taken for the Notes – Make Sure they are in your keeping!! Also will be used for the Do Now’s in class (Re-Caps)

17 Late and Make-Up work Late work is accepted with a 15 point deduction
For Every day the Assignment is not turned in, there will be a further 10 point deduction Students that are out for an extended amount of days will be given extra time to complete assignments or projects. Note: Student or Parents Need to Inform the teacher of the Absences so that work can be set aside for the Students 

18 Major Grades In-Class Projects, Exams, and Essays will be worth Major Grades Students will be required to complete reviews for the tests using Notes taken in Class

19 Major Grades (CONT.) Students will be Given 15 minutes to study prior to taking their Tests. The Review Can be turned in along with the exam for an extra 10 points added to test Grade

20 Retesting Policy Students who receive less than a 70 on a test grade can take a retest Retests will take place After School either Thursday or Friday Same Applies for Students who Missed the test and need to take it The highest grade you can receive on the retest is 70 Retest is either short Answer Response/Essay Format

21 Tardy Policy Follow School Policy 1st Tardy – Warning
2nd Tardy – Warning 3rd Tardy – Warning/Parent Phone Call 4th Tardy – Write UP 5th Tardy – 3 Days of After School Tutorial/Detention/In School Suspension

22 Substitutes We Treat our Guests as Courteously as we treat Ms. Gutierrez!!! Sit in your Assigned Seats Maintain Appropriate Voice Levels and Language Remain on Task and Complete Assigned work Be Helpful and courteous Towards Each other and the substitute

23 Dismissal Students are responsible for putting away supplies and clearing desks Students will remain in their seats until dismissed by the Teacher (Ms. Gutierrez)

24 Let’s Have a Good Year!!!! “Learning without reasoning leads to confusion; thinking without learning is wasted effort.” ~Confucius

25 Syllabus Students and Teacher will briefly Review the syllabus regarding supplies, due dates, rules and Procedures Set Deadline to Return Syllabus forms with Parent Signatures


27 Weebly Website Weebly website is a repository (storage) of materials used in the Classroom. Things such as power points, handouts, etc. will be posted on there. It will be updated regularly.

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