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Presented by Steven Weeks AmFed April 2019

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1 Presented by Steven Weeks AmFed April 2019
MS Workers’ Compensation & Self-insurance: A Prognosis of the Industry Presented by Steven Weeks AmFed April 2019

2 Triage Plan Setting the Tone – a historical perspective Vital Signs
Internal Examination Loss dollar Rate adequacy Expense load – or cost of production including excess External Examination Competition Medical Costs NCCI Legal Environment Prognosis - ?

3 At any one time, what was the highest number of approved self-insured groups in MS?
What is it today? What’s changed and why? What’s on the horizon? Initial Assessment

4 The Loss Dollar Indemnity and Medical
Falling Rate Medical CPI Loss Dollar Competition The Loss Dollar Indemnity and Medical

5 Rate Adequacy Combined Ratio Workers’ Comp Private Carriers

6 On average the commercial insurance industry is operating at a 25% - 32% expense load. This leaves 60% of the premium dollar to pay claims and 8% -15% profit margin. Expenses Underwriting, claims, risk management Ancillary costs and services – accounting, actuarial, taxes, fees and other expenses Acquisition costs/commissions Excess coverage As an industry, are we efficient? Expenses – a key driver

7 Industry Drivers Commercial market Frequency and/or severity of claims
Statutory change Regulatory change Case law – impact toward future rate Economic Outlook

8 Policyholder Surplus $781.5 Billion (all time high)

9 Cost Drivers 2002 – 2016: Cumulative Change -39.5%
Y/Y Average Change -3% (Industry -3.7%) Lost-Time Claim Frequency Cumulative Change +15.2% Y/Y Average Change +1.2% (Industry +22.5%) Severity Previous 6 years: ranging 3% - 6% Medical Inflation Cost Drivers

10 Mississippi Historical NCCI Loss Cost Changes by Year

11 Regulatory and Legal Regulatory: Substantive statutory changes in 2012
Rules: Continued positive changes and improvements Legal: No significant judicial rulings as in Alabama and Florida Regulatory and Legal

12 Economic: Is a recession imminent?
Yield Curve inverted briefly Q This may signal a less positive economic outlook, e.g., economic slowdown or recession. We are either at or near full-employment. This could be an economic headwind. The Fed is very cautious regarding additional interest rate hikes for the immediate future.

13 Outlook Commercial market Cumulative rate change of -48.1% since 2009.
Profitable results continue to be published. Policyholder surplus at historic levels. Cumulative rate change of -48.1% since 2009. Full-employment concerns. Longest economic expansion since WWII. Yield curve inversion. Recession on the horizon?

14 Treatment Plan Increase efficiency Reduce expenses Improve loss dollar
Consider creative solutions Improve services to create value Develop strategic partnerships Internal Be aware of your surroundings Deliberate planning around external pressures Identify strategic opportunities External Treatment Plan

15 Our Mission Our Mission is to place the best interest of our customer first and conduct all our business in a highly professional and ethical manner. Our most valued asset is our reputation. We believe that nothing can be gained slower or lost quicker, so we strive, every day, to maintain this accomplishment.

16 Partnering with AmFed AmFed is committed to providing a superior workers’ compensation product to both the commercial and self-insured industries: Competitive Rates and Pricing Multi – State Coverage options A.M. Best A- rated      Digitally Savvy Online payments, safety courses and claims extranet for insureds Online quoting and accessibility for agents


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