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Anti Diuretic hormone (ADH) – Vasopressin Lecture NO : 2nd MBBS

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1 Anti Diuretic hormone (ADH) – Vasopressin Lecture NO : 2nd MBBS
Dr Muhammad Ramzan

2 Anti Diuretic hormone (ADH) – the definition Arginine Vasopressin(AVP)
ADH is a peptide hormone from Hypothalamic nuclei and stored in posterior pituitary gland as vesicles It prevents the formation of dilute urine and promotes water retention in the body Also called vasopressin for ↑ BP Com –

3 ADH – the background regulates ECF
ADH conserve body water and ECF by preventing the formation of dilute urine and : Promoting renal reabsorption of water and Na Maintains blood volume/ BP by peripheral vasoconstriction in response to severe drop in blood volume ADH is used in the treatment of Diabetes Insipidus

4 Vasopressin – the structure
Vasopressin is a Nona peptide hormone having 9 AAs 1. including AA. Arginine. Hence called AVP 2. Cysteine AA form a Sulfahydryl bond and a ring Neurophysin, a carrier protein that helps to carry AVP along axons to be stored in Post. Pituitary It Is released in response to an appropriate stimulus ↑ Osmolarity, ↓ BP

5 Structure of AVP/ADH – A Nona peptide

6 Types of Vasopressin - 2 AVP and LVP
There are 2 types of Vasopressin depending upon the presence of Arginine or Lysine Arginine Vasopressin(AVP) has AA Arginine in mammals Lysine Vasopressin (LVP) has AA Lysine in Pigs

7 ADH – the Target organs Kidneys/ blood vessels /CNS
These are the tissues/organs with ADH receptors like: Renal : Distal Collecting tubules and Collecting ducts CVS : Baro Receptors in Carotid sinus/aortic arch and vascular muscles/atria CNS /Hypothalamus: Osmo Receptors/major vessels 3 Hypothalamus : Angio11 Receptors Myometrium and platelets

8 ADH Receptors - designation with actions V1,V2 ,V3 and Angio11
Receptors for the ADH are designated as : V1 - CVS/ Baro receptors. Maintain blood volume/BP V2 - Renal Tubules: ↑ water reabsorption/ Aquaporins V3 – Hypothalamus Osmo receptors. Maintain Plasma Osmolarity 4. Hypothalamic Anglo 11 Receptors – located near Hypothalamic Osmo receptors Activated during Hypotension to ↑ angio11 and Aldosterone secretion from adrenal cortex to↑ Blood volume and BP

9 Synthesis of ADH Supra optic and PVN
ADH is synthesized as Pro hormone in RER of : Supra optic and Para Ventricular nuclei It is bound to a carrier protein - Neurophysin that transports AVP to Post. Pitu. via axons Stored as secretary vesicles in Post. Pituitary and released in response to a physiological stimulus ↑Osmolarity, and ↓ BP

10 Biosynthesis of ADH

11 Regulation of ADH synthesis
ADH is regulated by the following 3 pathways Changes in ECF/plasma Osmolarity: Osmorecptors 1 Changes in ECF volume and BP : Baro receptors 2 Renin - angio11 – Aldo system : Angio11 receptors 3

12 Regulation of ADH synthesis

13 Regulation of ADH synthesis

14 Causes of Hypovolumia and hypotension - 2
Major causes of Hypovolumia are: 1. Bleeding from trauma/surgery 2. dehydration from diarrhea and vomiting A drop of % in blood /fluid loss is required for ↑ in ADH secretion to compensate for fluid loss Opposite is true for hyper volumia and hypertension

15 Changes in ECF Osmolarity VR3 – hypothalamic Osmorecptors
Changes in the Osmolarity of ECF are detected by the Hypothalamic Osmo receptors High Osmolarity (↑Na), stimulates ADH secretion that promotes renal reabsorption of H2O It , thus lowers Osmolarity of ECF/plasma Opposite is true when Osmolarity of ECF is low (↓ADH)

16 Regulation of ADH – hypothalamic Osmo recptors

17 Changes in ECF volume and BP VR1 +VR2
↓BP/blood volume is sensed by the Baro receptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch/Trunks Baro receptors get activated to ↑ ADH secretion that promotes renal water reabsorption It restores blood volume and ↑BP by vasoconstriction Opposite is true when blood volume/ BP is high

18 Renin- angio11- Adosterone system alternate mechanism
↓ BP/blood volume is also sensed by hypothalamic Angio.11 receptors that are located near to: Hypothalamic Osmo receptors Get activated to promote ADH and Aldo. secretion Both promote renal reabsorption of Na+ and water, Aldo also promote excretion of K+ Both ↑ vasoconstriction and ↑ BP’ /Sympathetic NS

19 Renin- ango11- Aldo. system

20 Mechanism of action – V2 R 2nd messenger system
ADH is a peptide hormone with mechanism of like ones It binds to the GPCR; activates G- Protein,α- GTP which stimulates Adenylate Cyclase for cGMP, 2nd messenger It inserts Aquaporins 2 to ↑ free water renal reabsorption Thus, ↑ blood volume that lowers Osmolarity Further it ↑ urinary conc.

21 Mechanism of Action - V2 R. Insertion of AQ2

22 Mechanism of action - V1R IP3 and DAG as 2nd messenger
Stimulation of V1 R at the vascular muscles causes the activation of membranous enzyme: Phospholipase C8 that cleaves PIP2 to : IP3 (Inositol Tri Phosphate) and Diacyglycerol (DAG) Both 2nd messengers release intracellular Calcium Ca++ promotes vasoconstriction and ↑BP Further, it increases venous return

23 V1R – Vascular smooth muscles

24 Metabolic actions of ADH
Major action of ADH is to conserve body water via its action on the Kidneys to ↓dilute urine formation and: ↑ urinary reabsorption (Aquaporin2) To maintain the blood volume/ BP by ↑ing vasoconstriction after blood or fluid loss

25 ADH - Secretion abnormalities
ADH may be secreted in excess or there can be the deficiency of ADH secretion Both abnormalities lead to certain important clinical conditions that : Disturbs normal life comforts

26 Deficiency of ADH - Diabetes Insipidus (DI) 2 types
ADH deficiency is common in human and animals that produces excessive urine Urinary output may be ˃ 16 L/day in some patients The condition is called Diabetes Insipidus(DI) DI may be Hypothalamic/ central and : Nephrogenic or peripheral

27 Types of Diabetes Insipidus 2
1.Hypothalamic DI is commonly due to gene mutation Genetic mutation may be of ADA receptor gene or Aquaporins gene – is responsive to treatment 2.Nephrogenic DI: It is due to Renal pathology that have lost their ability of reabsorption It is non responsive to treatment

28 Diabetes Insipidus – A life threatening disease
Diabetes Insipidus, is a life threatening disease that give rise to massive hypo volumemia / hypotension If Hypovolumia is not compensated by adequate water or fluid intake it may be fatal Desmopressin is an ADH analogue, used to treat DI

29 ADH excess – Reduction in Sodium level
Excess is called syndrome of : Inappropriate ADH secretion. There is Hyopnatremia and hypo - Osmolarity Cells may swell up if Na level is less than 135 mEq/L

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