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EEA status for Marine Baseline Assessment 7th October 2013

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1 EEA status for Marine Baseline Assessment 7th October 2013
Trine Christiansen, Constanca Belchior & Johnny Reker, NSV4, EEA with support from ETC/ICM Glad to have this meeting Provide an opportunity to discuss and agree (for now) to the structure and planned process I will Provide an introduction to the MBA Progress so far Structure and content Future process Room for discussions and interuptions – joint effort

2 Marine Baseline assessment 2014
– Report outline Report structure: Introduction & structure The diversity of European Seas Healthy and biologically diverse Seas Clean Seas? Productive Seas Humans and the marine ecosystems European marine policies Achievements, lessons learned & way forward Analytical framework: social – ecological marine systems Integrating policy initiatives and assessment frameworks: MSFD, DPSIR, MAES, BLUE GROWTH 2/15

3 People and marine ecosystems
The diversity of European Seas European Seas People and marine ecosystems 3/15

4 Issues to be solved – Gaps in reported information
29% of reported maritime boundaries under the MSFD appears to be coordinated. 71% of reported maritime boundaries appears not to be coordinated. Large gap = 650 km2 Marine waters reported by, for example, EE, FI, LT, LV and SE, showing gaps in boundaries (large gap = 650 km2) 4/8

5 Environmental status: seabed habitats
Healthy Seas Overview of reported information Environmental status: seabed habitats 5/15

6 Clean Seas Many sources of information 6/15
Other sources e.g. EEA indiators MSFD overview e.g. electronically reported information Other sources e.g. art. 17 and RSCs MSFD national reports 6/15

7 Productive Seas – merging WG ESA and Blue Growth 7/15

8 MSFD European Marine Policies
– Sectoral policies covering elements of the ecosystem MSFD Eutrophication MPAs MSP Fisheries 8/15

9 Summary – Findings, challenges and process... EU Marine Baseline Assessment based purely on IAs are challenged by: Large amount of ”Unknowns” or ”Not assessed” Evidence of lack of coordination between Member States Differences between information reported electronically and through IA reports Need for additional information sources to compile assessment Process: Member States will be asked though EIONET consultation to comment and provide the needed/correct information on figures and maps included in EEA Marine Baseline Assessment Urgent need for an operational and pragmatic solution to depict/illustrate maritime boundaries between countries in order to enable provision of country level information (could be a hashed line in case of non-solved issues) 9/8

10 ETC/ICM data report close to publication
Where we are – Findings, challenges and process... ETC/ICM data report close to publication ETC/ICM has provided a large number of contributions but they need further analysis. Work continues 10/8

11 Timeline – Marine Baseline Assessment 11/15
Sep 30: deadline ETC data report Oct: Draft marine messages briefing Nov 1: ETC topic drafts Nov-Feb: EEA & drafting group draft/edit text Feb 1: 2014: first draft of report Apr 1: second draft of report Jun 1: final draft & consultation with ENV and JRC Oct 1: Final layout and editing Nov 2014: publication 11/15

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