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Share of total adspend by medium (%)

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1 Share of total adspend by medium (%)
Source: AA/Warc UK Expenditure Report Extracted from Adstats: UK adspend forecast To click through to article, use Slide Show view

2 UK adspend by medium, 2015 (Estimate)
£m, where total UK adspend is £19.7bn Source: AA/Warc UK Expenditure Report Extracted from Adstats: UK adspend forecast To click through to article, use Slide Show view

3 Mobile as a % share of total internet adspend
Total internet value in brackets Source: AA/Warc UK Expenditure Report Extracted from Adstats: UK adspend forecast To click through to article, use Slide Show view

4 TV adspend by medium, 2015 £m (Note: ‘Other’ includes interactive fees and pub TV) Source: AA/Warc UK Expenditure Report Extracted from Adstats: UK adspend forecast To click through to article, use Slide Show view

5 UK adspend by product category, 2015
% share, where total Nielsen adspend is £10.9bn Source: Nielsen; AA/Warc UK Expenditure Report Extracted from Adstats: UK adspend forecast To click through to article, use Slide Show view

6 Growth in UK adspend by medium, 2015
Year-on-year % changes vs. 2014 Source: AA/Warc UK Expenditure Report Extracted from Adstats: UK adspend forecast To click through to article, use Slide Show view

7 UK adspend 2016 (forecast) £m, year-on year % change vs in brackets adspend is £20.8bn Source: AA/Warc UK Expenditure Report Extracted from Adstats: UK adspend forecast To click through to article, use Slide Show view

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