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AVR Studio 5 Help Setup. Are you getting the following Page when you trying to goto help in AVR Studio 5 ? YesNo.

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Presentation on theme: "AVR Studio 5 Help Setup. Are you getting the following Page when you trying to goto help in AVR Studio 5 ? YesNo."— Presentation transcript:

1 AVR Studio 5 Help Setup

2 Are you getting the following Page when you trying to goto help in AVR Studio 5 ? YesNo

3 In AVRStudio 5, Select Help->Manage Help Settings Are you seeing the Following Dialog ? If Yes then 1. Enter the Library location text to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\HelpLibrary\catalogs 2. Click Ok Done No

4 In AVRStudio 5, Select Help->Manage Help Settings Are you seeing the Help Libray Manager Dialog ? Done No If Yes then 1. Click Settings

5 Does the Library location has the following path ? C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\HelpLibrary\catalogs Done No If Yes then 1. Click Cancel

6 Do the following step : 1. Close AVR Studio 5 2. Close Help Agent (By right click Exit from the task bar icon) 3. Open C:\Program Files\Microsoft Help Viewer\v1.0\ HelpLibManager.exe.config 4. Change: To 5. Save and close the file 6. Start AVRStudio 5 Done

7 Select Install content from disk Done

8 1. Browse C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Studio 5.0\help\helpcontentsetup.msha (Path to your AVR Studio 5 installed location) 2. Click Next… Done

9 Select Add to AVR Studio and click Update Done

10 Select Yes for Security Alert Done

11 Merging Indexes may take some time please wait…. Waited

12 Finally click Finish Finished

13 Are you getting the following Page when you trying to goto help in AVR Studio 5 ? YesNo

14 Sorry No Idea ;-( Contact :

15 Congratulation!!! You have successfully Setup the Help for AVR Studio 5 ;-) Enjoy !!!

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