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**Japan, under the control of Hideki Tojo, becomes a warlike,

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Presentation on theme: "**Japan, under the control of Hideki Tojo, becomes a warlike,"— Presentation transcript:

1 **Japan, under the control of Hideki Tojo, becomes a warlike,
imperialistic nation. Japanese Invasions -French Indochina (Laos, Vietnam,Cambodia) -Manchuria (in China) -Hong Kong (British) -Thailand -Burma (British) -Etc. **Japan resented the fact that non-Asian nations controlled Asian resources **U.S. tries to slow movement of Japan by banning the sale of oil to them.

2 The Panay Incident *Japan “accidently” attacks U.S. gunboat in the Yangtze River. -Pays compensation of over $2 million -Sends diplomats to Washington *U.S. breaks Japanese code. -knew it was intentional attack -tells Japan to get out of China

3 Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
**Japan continued to talk peace with the United States while in secret they were planning for war. Pearl Harbor Attack -Hawaii -Sunday morning December 7, 1941 -surprise attack on U.S. Pacific Fleet -Congress declares war the next day (Dec. 8, 1941) **The Japanese believed that it would take the U.S. at least 2 years to recover and they would have time to take other areas and then defeat the U.S.


5 **In the hours and days that follow the attack on Pearl Harbor,
Japan attacked other American lands- -the Philippines, Wake Island, and Guam. **Now the U.S. is fighting WWII on two fronts. -Germany in European Theater (western front) -Japan in Pacific Theater (eastern front)

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