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History : Case April’ 2014 80 year old female patient with past medical history of presents with complaints of bilateral claudication in buttocks, hip.

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Presentation on theme: "History : Case April’ 2014 80 year old female patient with past medical history of presents with complaints of bilateral claudication in buttocks, hip."— Presentation transcript:

1 History : Case April’ 2014 80 year old female patient with past medical history of presents with complaints of bilateral claudication in buttocks, hip and calf with left > right leg (Rutherford class I category 3) Past Medical History: Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Asthma, CAD s/p CABG Medications: Zocor, Lisinopril, Carvedilol, Prilosec, Ferrous Sulfate, Meloxicam, Alendronate, Vitamin B12, Cilostazol. Aspirin, albuterol Social History: Ex-Smoker, no alcohol or IVDA

2 Pertinent Physical Exam
Vitals: 125/72, 70/min, 16/min, 98F, 96% O2sat Peripheral: Pulses Doppler – DP/PT bilaterally Imaging ABI/PVR: showed 0.72 on the right and 0.44 on the left with waveforms suggestive of aortoiliac disease Peripheral Angiogram: showed significant stenosis of the distal aorta, ostial right common iliac artery stenosis and chronic total occlusion (CTO) of the left common iliac with reconstitution at the proximal left external iliac (Image A). Boderline stenosis of the left superficial femoral artery and right posterior tibial artery also noted. Patient currently planned for an endovascular intervention of the CTO of left common iliac and distal aortic / common iliac bifurcation

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