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Courbet - Stonebreakers

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2 Courbet - Stonebreakers
Realism Looked to real life for inspiration, usually the lower classes Highlighting the physical work & world of poor Jean-Francois Millet & Gustave Courbet Milet – The Gleaners Courbet - Stonebreakers

3 Impressionism and Post-Impressions
Reaction to photography Changing perspective, view points, light & shadow Subject matter often ordinary scenes Post-impressionism stress form & structure Geometric shapes pointillism

4 Monet Degas

5 Cezanne Van Gogh Starry Night Gauguin

6 Expressionism Distortion & use of color to portray emotion
Expression over detail Objects fade away & replaced w/ abstraction Munch (1893) – the Scream Kandinsky (1913) – Composition VII

7 Cubism Broke images down to simpler forms & then reassembled for different perspectives Influenced by theory of relativity Picasso

8 Picasso (1937)- Guernica

9 Dadaism and Surrealism
Both movements are a reaction to WWI – pessimism & alienation Anti-art, show the absurdity of life Images often have no relation w/ each other Abstraction reduces reality to essentials Surrealism influenced by Freud and the unconscious

10 Nude Descending a Staircase (1913) by Marcel Duchamp
Dali (1930) – The Persistence of Memory

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