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Dare to Let Go: Creating a Student-Led Classroom

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Presentation on theme: "Dare to Let Go: Creating a Student-Led Classroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dare to Let Go: Creating a Student-Led Classroom
Dr. Jennifer A. Jackl Department of English & Communication Studies

2 Let STUDENTS run things!
Solving a problem… Concept application/utilization Student engagement Activity-based learning Current “pop” content Spending my time wisely Let STUDENTS run things!

3 Creating a new problem…

4 A few simple rules… Select a single concept Working a week ahead
Mandatory meeting At least 48-hours prior to class In-person Have a plan Power of “no”

5 Division of labor… Student In Charge Of: I am In Charge Of:
Submit 1-page outline of activity Including concept information Activity rules Learning objectives Introduce/overview concept Lead the activity Reserve the power to “jump in” I am In Charge Of: Post-activity discussion Intro/outro presenters

6 Logistics… Sign-up sheet How many per day
They control their deadlines How many per day Time for the activity Time for post-activity discussion Build in time for you to lead As a consistent reminder of what you are looking for Be part of the class “Play” along! Evaluate Help run technology

7 Why it works… Content: Additional benefits:
Learning through teaching others Responsibility of being the “expert” Sifting through options & ideas Engage with the materials Additional benefits: Public speaking/presenting Preparation/organization Perspective-taking Learning about learning

8 Your classroom? How could you apply this to your current courses?
How would you tweak it to fit? What skills do you need to make this work?

9 Thank you! Questions? Contact me for any materials you might want or questions that come up later!

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