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Ghost Hunting am CST

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1 Ghost Hunting 10-27-2018 10 am CST
While there are amazing things about ducks…including their bills, cute lil baby ducks, quacking…ducks are far more interesting and a bit disturbing if you have never looked at their anatomy and reproductive practices. So, as a warning…if you have little ones watching and you don’t want them to learn about duck rapists, homosexual necrophiliacs…probably best to check this stream out later! Ghost Hunting am CST

2 Ghosts What do we detect? What are the symptoms?
What do ghost hunters use? What does science say?

3 Ghosts Ghosts have ever been a fascination to people throughout history. What do we see when we see ghosts? How do we explain what seems to be unexplainable? Many people grow up with ghost stories…know of a haunted house where seemingly unexplained things have occurred. I have my own personal stories of frightening ghosts which I will share a bit later. The media also contributes to the fun of ghosts…We have riveting television primarily in the latest rendition of the Haunting of Hill House currently on Netflix where we see family dynamics shaken fueled by what would seem to be a house chock full of ghosts…but what is this? How do people detect ghosts? What does science say?

4 Ghosts Intelligent Demonic Elementals Shadow People Residual
Poltergeist Shadow People Elementals

5 Ghosts On the types of ghosts, I looked at a few ghost hunter websites to gain some insight as to what the “professionals” say. One site feels shadow people are not fully understood and that seems to be the consensus on the professionals…But one site I found to be a bit humorous…they have no solid opinion on elementals…they see them as a form of cultural heritage and play it off as fairies, trolls and ghouls can’t possibly be real. I found this to be a bit funny given that I would THINK a more sentient being that could trick your mind makes more sense than the current tech ghost hunters use that only fuel our natural tendency to find patterns in things that are entirely random…this is a well established cognitive bias that many people neglect and fail to understand that they even have it.

6 Ghosts Cold EMF EVP Heat Pictures Vision Video

7 Ghosts Ghost hunters look to detect the things that people experience. People claim to be cold in certain spots, have bouts of anxiety/fear coupled with hearing voices. They see things in the mirror and smell the perfume of their passed loved ones. Ghost hunting requires the ability to detect these things. The equipment they use works to detect spectral images, voices, electro magnetic fields, temperature, as well as attempts to communicate through sounds and recording of voices. I found on a website that I too could buy a ghost hunting pack for about $600 complete with emf detector, a device to communicate with spirits, a smart watch to record sound, a go pro camera with IR NVG features, a cool looking silver case as well as tripod gear and stands for the camera.

8 Ghosts What about the evidence?

9 Ghosts Most evidence is easily explained through thorough examination. Our brains are fantastic at finding patterns in random noise. Apophenia happens all of the time. We see faces in old mirrors and hear distinct patterns from noise. This is why some people hear words on a recording from random noise. Even if it seems there is a surge where we would expect a voice, to say that it is a person speaking that words, is far fetched…another common issue is when recording devices pick up radio stations. You may actually be hearing people talk…because they are…in a radio station. Electronics are not full proof and are subjected to RF interference. Cold spots easily explained through cracks and holes in the duct system. The smells? Your memory center for your brain is right next to the center that processes smells. You can detect smells that are not there. It is olfactory hallucinations…and yes this is a thing. That anxiety you feel? Many reasons for this.

10 Ghosts What are the causes?

11 Ghosts Cognitive bias Sleep deprivation Toxic mold/fungus
EMF sensitivity Sleep paralysis Mental illness Intoxication

12 Ghosts (Talk a bit about each) Cognitive bias Sleep deprivation
Toxic mold Mental illness ENF sensitivity Intoxication Sleep paralysis Vice interviewed an artist who recreates his sleep paralysis nightmares and just how profound the experience can be. (VICE interview)

13 Ghosts Haunting of Hill House

14 Ghosts I watched the entire series. It is in my mind a perfect example of mental illness being exacerbated by family dynamics, gender roles, sleep paralysis, as well as the stresses of a failig financial investment coupled with copious amounts of toxic mold. If you have not checked out that series, watch it with a skeptical eye and you will still enjoy the heck outta that show. Unlike other ghost film and shows where cartoony ghosts and laughable behavior fuels the plot, this show charges you to think. Are the ghosts real? Can it be explained? I charge you to watch that show and see if you can explain the phenomena there and walk away still feeling enthralled and entertained. It is a good thinker and a great return to supernatural horror without the scooby doo feel of ghosts.

15 https://www. livescience. com/52592-spooky-effects-sleep-deprivation
answers/phantosmia/faq radio-stations/ patterns/

16 Thank you to my Patrons Graham Andy Dragnaucht Zachary Paola
Godless Iowan Jennifer Corey Richard Toni James Lauren Jenn Carl Melanie Patrick Daniel Steven Andy Zachary Tony Bo Steven Sarah Chris Paola Tim Keri Circe Keith Duke James

17 You can find me…

18 Ducks 10-20-2018 10 am CST
While there are amazing things about ducks…including their bills, cute lil baby ducks, quacking…ducks are far more interesting and a bit disturbing if you have never looked at their anatomy and reproductive practices. So, as a warning…if you have little ones watching and you don’t want them to learn about duck rapists, homosexual necrophiliacs…probably best to check this stream out later! Ducks am CST

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