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What is it??? Label 1-6 in your journal and write down your answers…

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Presentation on theme: "What is it??? Label 1-6 in your journal and write down your answers…"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is it??? Label 1-6 in your journal and write down your answers… 1. 3. 2. 5. 6. 4.

2 What should you do if you splash chemicals in your eyes?
Call your mom Go to the emergency eye wash station immediately Scream and run around the room like a crazy person! Ask the teacher before proceding.

3 If your were to break a beaker, what should your immediate action be?
A. Scream B. Tell your lab partner how cool it was C. Alert the teacher immediately D. Put it in the sharps container

4 When using a scalpel or a razor blade, you should always….
Cut away from you Cut toward you Cut in your hand Cut perpendicular

5 If you were to spill a chemical on your hand, what should you do?
Wash your hands immediately Tell the teacher You wouldn’t spill chemical on you, because you would have gloves on. All of the above

6 To measure an exact amount of liquid would you use a….
Beaker Flask Triple beam balance Graduated cyllinder

7 To measure a Solid or a grainy substance would you use a….
Graduated cylinder Pipette Bunsen burner Triple beam balance

8 Which of the following are good lab safety measures to follow except?
Wear close toed shoes No loose clothing or jewelry Eating in the lab Hair tied back

9 What should you always do when you are finished with the Bunsen burner?
Turn up the flame Light the unused chemicals/materials on fire to destroy them Leave it on Turn it off

10 Where is the fire blanket located in the lab?
Near the sink In the back of the class Near the window None of the above

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