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DNA Genealogy Kits am CST

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1 DNA Genealogy Kits 8-4-2018 10 am CST am CST

2 Genealogy Kits What are they? What do they do? What are the concerns?
What is the controversy?

3 Genealogy Kits What are they? Health genetic markers Ancestry
Family genetics

4 Kits Geneaology kits are an affordable way to learn if you have genetic markers for certain diseases…especially if they run in your family. You can also learn about your ancestors, migratory patterns of your ancestors, as well as which genes you share with family members. There are concerns about genealogy tests in regard to privacy. We will get into that…let’s discuss diseases

5 Genealogy Kits Disease Markers Cancer Huntington’s Alzheimer’s
Many of these diseases have late onset…meaning you may not have symptoms until much later in life. Genetic testing can help determine if you are at risk. Here is the thing, though…you can likely get this service through your doctor. The cost might be higher, but you would have a medical professional explaining your results to you. You would also be protected by HIPPAA laws on your medical privacy (as long as you do not sign that away). Some fear this information can be given to insurance companies as well as potential employers that could prevent people from getting healthcare and even jobs.

6 Genealogy Kits Ancestry Learn mother countries
Track patterns of mothers Find other relatives Discuss: How this has countered white supremacy (racism), discuss mitochondrial DNA, mention databases police use to find killers

7 Kits The Golden State Killer, Joseph James DeAngelo was found due to a match with a relative on GEDMatch. The terms of service allows law enforcement to use this database in coordination with their own FBI DNA information to find relatives of killers and others who commit violent crime. This is not the only time these databases have been used.

8 Genealogy Kits Killers Found Through Relatives DNA
Murderer of Lynette White (UK) Grim Sleeper Canal Killer Golden State Killer Using the DNA of relatives to find killers isn’t really new. Some killers have been found because their nephews, uncles, aunts, etc…happened to be in the criminal DNA database. Cross references allowed investigators to identify matches of relatives. These relatives lead to family members who committed crimes. The Canal Killer was found through a genealogist who ran genetic tests and helped investigators find the Canal Killer

9 Kits Now with millions of people freely giving over their genetic code to these companies, it gives a new database for investigators to track down offenders. The thing that people need to understand with this type of testing is that there are false positives. A study down in Britain showed that false positives using such databases can be as high as 83%. This is a problematic avenue in that the evidence is not so tight and the odds are not so good that you will find the person who actually committed the crime. Many people who felt exposed have deleted their DNA data from these sites.

10 Genealogy Kits What can they do with your data? Sell it
These companies can use your code if you let them. Many have terms and conditions listed and can vary with each service. It is important to do your homework in learning which organizations allow you to opt out of them retaining your information for their own purposes. What can they do with your data? Sell it Give it to law enforcement Use it for “for profit” research Whatever they want

11 Kits 23 and me allows you to opt out of them holding onto your code. If you choose to allow them to keep your code, they can do whatever they want with it. They recently sold their database to GlaxoSmithKline for drug development. None of the participants who gave their data to 23 and Me will see any money from any drugs developed by GSK. There are ways around this and if you don’t already know the story of Henriette Lacks, I suggest you pat attention.

12 Genealogy Kits If your information is “unidentifiable”, health care organizations can use your tissue for whatever research they want. This is a regular practice. Henrietta Lacks’ contribution has moved medical science forward as her cells were the first human cells that could be easily cultured in a lab. This discovery led to the advancement of so many facets of medical science that the whole of the world has benefitted from her. Yet, her family stayed in borderline poverty with no access to healthcare. The book written (later turned into a film) about her is the only revenue her family has ever received from her contribution.

13 Kits Here is where we have an ethical discussion…giving over our data to generate drugs that people may never be able to access is a discussion we need to have. We are freely giving over our information with cheap kits allowing companies to make money off of us without us reaping the benefits. Is it a good idea to do this? Many people are raising awareness that this is a thing that happens and you need to pay attention to where these companies are storing and using your data.

14 Genealogy Kits What are they? What do they do? What are the concerns?
What is the controversy?

15 Genealogy Kits Sources!
gedmatch-was-used-to-identify-joseph-deangelo-as-suspect-police-say/?utm_term=.6aa9bfe2b5ed searches-protect-communities get-your-dna.html parties/ Images via Google Search

16 Thank you to my Patrons Graham Paola Andy Dragnaucht Zachary Tim
Godless Iowan Jennifer Corey Heavy Toni James Lauren Jenn Carl Melanie Patrick Daniel Steven Andy Zachary Tony Bo Steven Sarah Paola Tim Keri Circe Keith Duke James

17 You can find me…

18 DNA Genealogy Kits 8-4-2018 10 am CST am CST

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