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Quiz Questions How does one execute code in parallel in Paraguin?

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz Questions How does one execute code in parallel in Paraguin?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz Questions How does one execute code in parallel in Paraguin?
#pragma paraguin forall #pragma paraguin bcast a #pragma paraguin scatter a #pragma begin_parallel … #pragma end_parallel

2 Quiz Questions How does one execute a sequential region inside a parallel region #pragma paraguin begin_sequential … #pragma paraguin end_sequential if (__guin_rank == 0) … if (__guin_rank == 6) … #pragma begin_parallel … #pragma end_parallel

3 Quiz Questions What is the default chunksize for the forall pragma for a for loop with N iterations

4 Quiz Questions When broadcasting, scattering, or gathering an array, which of the following must a size be given? A local array An array passed as a parameter A multi-dimensional array A global array

5 Quiz Questions What feature(s) must the operator have to be applied to a reduction? Associative Commutative Unary and Associative Binary and Commutative

6 Quiz Questions What are the 4 steps in the Scatter/Gather template?

7 Quiz Questions What are the parameters for the Paraguin stencil pragma?

8 Quiz Questions What is most likely the complexity of reducing values among NP processors? O(N) O(NP) O(N/NP) O(logN) O(logNP)

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