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Elements of Drama 4 THE PLAY.

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1 Elements of Drama 4 THE PLAY

2 The Elements of a Play Play Structure dates back to 335 BC Greek when Artistotle described the 6 basic parts of a play. Ari was a philosopher trying to figure out life. He’s also considered a scientist. Playwriting has changed through the years, but Aristotle’s basic components of plot, character, thought, diction, song, and spectable still exist (to some extent) in all plays.

3 Plot It has three basic parts: exposition, climax, and resolution.
The arrangements of events in a play. It has three basic parts: exposition, climax, and resolution. Should be review.

4 Character It is through these characters that the playwright reveals his or her message. We’ve already talked about the two main types of characters in a play: protagonist & antagonist

5 Theme Overall meaning of the play
Should be review from language arts class

6 Language Careful selection of language gives the audience a better understanding of the play type, characters, and plot. If they’re using southern words like “yall” we understand that the setting is the south.

7 Song/Music Musical elements are used to create mood and enhance believability in plays.

8 Spectacle Includes all visual elements of a production: scenery, props, lighting, costumes, makeup, stage movement, and dance.

9 Organization Plays are broken up into large chunks called ACTS.
Horace, a roman poet, was the first writer to divide a play into acts. A Scene is a subdivision, or smaller part, of an act.

10 Types of Plays Tragedy Tragedy: a play that deals with serious situations in a serious way. The protagonist dies or is defeated at the end of the play.

11 Dramatic Play (Drama) A serious play which offers HOPE for the protagonist’s situation

12 Comedy A play that presents its theme and characters in a humorous way. Everybody comes together at the end.

13 Melodrama An exaggerated, fast-moving play in which action is more important than characterization. The “good guys” win and the “bad guys” are punished.

14 TRY IT!

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