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Theology of the Body for Teens

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1 Theology of the Body for Teens
Seventh Grade Curriculum 6.1 To Use, or Not to Use? That is the Question

2 Bellwork Think about the people who you know you are married: your parents, your aunts and uncles, your grandparents, your neighbors, etc. Answer the following questions regarding one couple which has a great marriage: 1. How do you know they truly love each other? (3 supporting details please) How do they sacrifice for each other (3 supporting details please)? What do you admire most about their marriage or their family?

3 Opening Prayer LORD, my God and my loving Father
You have made me to know You, to love You, to serve You, And thereby to find and fulfill myself. I know that You are in all things, And that every path can lead me to You But of them all, there is one especially By which You want me to come to You. Since I will do what You want of me, I pray You, send Your Holy Spirit to me: Into my mind, to show me what You want of me; Into my heart, to give me the determination to do it, And to do it with all my love, with all my mind, And with all my strength right to the end. Amen.

4 Read Read the “Story Starter”
-Pass the microphone each paragraph of the story.

5 Bridging the Gap What is real love?
Please read pages and answer the following questions: What is real love? How are love and use exact opposites?

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