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Everything you need to know about Allaso Ranch!

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Presentation on theme: "Everything you need to know about Allaso Ranch!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Everything you need to know about Allaso Ranch!

2 Where is Allaso Ranch? The camp is located just East of Mineola, TX, and just over 100 miles from Allen. This is about a 2 hour drive from Kerr Elementary. We will use Allen ISD buses. These are upgraded buses the district has purchased for longer trips. This is included in the cost of the trip. We will leave Kerr Elementary around 8:30 a.m. and return around 2:00 p.m.

3 What’s Included Allaso Ranch t-shirts that say Kerr Elementary
Bus Service Seven Classes 3 days and 2 nights cabin stay including- 7 meals: Day 1-lunch & dinner, Day 2- Breakfast, lunch, & dinner, Day 3-Breakfast & lunch (prior to returning to school) Rec time activities Evening activities : 1 per night

4 Sample Schedule Sample Schedule

5 What if my child gets sick?
Nurse Jill goes to camp with the 5th graders and is there for all minor/major catastrophes, from stomach aches, to bruises, to blood! EWWW Parents may be asked to pick their child up from camp if they do not get better with rest! What if my child takes medicine daily? Nurse Jill will send home forms for all parents to fill out. Each child who goes to camp will have to fill out a form. Nurse Jill will administer all medication to students as necessary throughout the trip.

6 Dietary Restrictions If anyone in your group has special dietetic needs, please fill out the Google form that will be ed to you as soon as possible. This will allow time for preparation for our arrival. Common dietary restrictions include: peanut free, gluten free, and vegetarian Please let us know as soon as possible of any restriction for allergy or religious purposes.

7 Cabin Assignments and Class Groups
Students will have a small group of 4-7 students assigned to 1 or 2 chaperones. Those small groups will be combined to form all girl or all boy cabin groups. Classes will be formed by combining the small groups as well, however class groups will be mixed gender and small groups will not necessarily be with the same combination of groups that form the cabin groups. What if I am a mom chaperoning for my son or a dad chaperoning for my daughter? Will I be in a group with her/him? You will be assigned a group of girls (for moms) or boys (for dads) to chaperone throughout the trip, but your group will be combined with your daughter/son’s group during the course of the day and will be together for all classes. Students will have an opportunity to choose 3 people they want to be in a cabin group with. (We do our best to place all students with one or more chosen friends to make their trip more enjoyable.) Students will be given their group assignments the morning of the trip.

8 Students are not allowed to bring cell phones and under no circumstances are chaperones allowed to provide a cell phone to students to call their parents. We will allow a student to call their parents if there is a need for it. Chaperones are being told to say no and let the teachers know if a child asks to call home. Label EVERYTHING!

9 Departure Day Back to School
Parents who are dropping off their students will drop them on the EAST side of the school. Please arrive by 7:10am! School buses arrive at 7:30am on the EAST side of the building and parent cars need to be out of the bus zone. If you want to stay to see your child off, please park on the other side of the building in the large parking lot and walk around to the EAST side of the building. This time is very hectic, if you have any important information to share about your child, please speak with any of the teachers or Nurse Jill PRIOR TO DEPARTURE DAY! Students will be given a black garbage bag and 2 labels. The garbage bag will be for the student’s pillow and blankets and the labels are to label their garbage bag and luggage. Back to School We will return to school around 2:00pm on the EAST side of the building. We will unload the students and their luggage onto the grass. Please pick up your child and their belongings at this time. Any student who is still here at 2:50pm will be sent home regular dismissal with all of their belongings. It is advised that you pick your student up at 2:00, unless they are going to Kids Club. They will be tired and ready to see you!

10 Other Information Chaperones may ride the bus with students (subject to space availability). Students are expected to ride the bus with their friends to camp. Chaperones who choose to drive, may carpool with other chaperones and may choose to drive their child home from camp. A permission slip will be sent home to fill out by chaperoning parents if they choose to bring their child home with them. No other child may ride home with any chaperone, unless it is their parent. Students will be expected to turn in their student folders for a grade upon arrival at school. Students who DO NOT attend camp will be given relevant classwork and be placed in the 6th grade classrooms during the 3 camp days.

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