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Just Basic Lessons 7 Mr. Kalmes.

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Presentation on theme: "Just Basic Lessons 7 Mr. Kalmes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Just Basic Lessons 7 Mr. Kalmes

2 Lesson 7 Objectives Compare and contrast two different programs
Analyze different arithmetic operators

3 Compare the two programs
Previous Program Original Program Compare the two programs

4 Operators Definition: mathematical symbols that generate an action in the program Examples: a = b a is equal to b a <> b a is unequal to b a < b a is less than b a > b a is greater than b a <= b a is less than or equal to b a >= b a is greater than or equal to b

5 Please click on and complete Lesson 7 Journal
Journal Lesson 7 Please click on and complete Lesson 7 Journal

6 Calculator Please create a calculator program that includes:
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide Sections Must be able to repeat Must be able to choose to repeat or end Must have a way to get around divide by zero

7 Please complete your exit slip via google forms

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