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Human Sexuality 1/26/2019

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Presentation on theme: "Human Sexuality 1/26/2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Sexuality 1/26/2019 1/26/2019

2 Human Sexuality What are the types? What influences sexuality?
How does society affect human sexuality?

3 Sexuality Breakdown Sexuality is a spectrum
Orientation may/may not change Experiences may influence Environment may influence Childhood may influence Genetics may influence Fetal develop may influence

4 NP Scientists study human sexuality through various means. They look at genetic influences comparing the expression and changes in the genetic code of people who are gay or straight. Twin studies provide insight as some twin siblings can differ in sexual orientation. Twin studies are important because they allow scientists to study both genetic and environmental/childhood factors to determine what influences sexuality. If sexuality was exclusively genetic then all mono zygotic aka identical twins would be of the same orientation. We know this is not the case. Scientists are looking at rearing but also fetal development in order to find further evidence as to what influences sexuality. Some scientists believe maternal hormones can have an affect on brain development of the fetus which can influence sexual orientation to gay or straight. Some studies have focused on the affect of anxiety and how it appears in early childhood and its influence on sexual orientation. There is evidence to show that sexuality does run in families…but only siblings with similar genes. Adoptive studies don’t suggest a nurture/environmental affect on sexuality…but of course more research is important to full understand. It is important to note that genetic studies may focus on a gene being present, but environmental factors also have an effect on whether or not that gene is expressed. Linkage studies focus on the presence of the gene and the expression it has on behavior. That is a bit more taxing in the research world….finding populations who have the gene and whether or not it is actively expressed…ie: influeincing sexuality. Ultimately, sexuality is inborn, can change, but it isn’t a choice. There is a lot of research that dives into the straight versus gay world…but nothing yet substantial in the other areas of sexuality…bisexual, asexual, aromantic, heteroflexible, pansexual…sexuality is not so cut and dry….so what are these types of sexuality? University of California in Santa Barbera has an excellent website that discusses sexuality, influences on it, societal impact, and educational resources to aid in awareness. I found their graphics and information quite useful.

5 Sexuality Sexuality is not binary…yet there are 2 categories we can use for educational purposes to describe different types of sexuality…monosexual and plurisexual. Mono is attracted to one gender, pluri is attracted to many genders. You can have multiple genders and multiple sexualities. Gender identity is completely different from sexual orientation.

6 NP Androphyllic is attraction to men/masculinity. Gynephillic is attraction to women/feminity. People can be both. The types of sexuality vary and people can identify with multiple types. As a reminder…gender has nothing to do with sexual preference.

7 Sexuality

8 Spectrum Sexuality Aromanticism Asexuality Bisexuality Demisexuality
Heterosexuality Homosexuality Pansexuality Queer

9 NP With all of the different types of sexuality…how is it that society continues to impress upon others this binary mentality of male/female only sexuality? This idea that sex need only be for procreation and nothing else limits the possibilities of human intimacy. The standard odds of a woman getting pregnant in any given month ranges from 15-25%. If preganacy was the only reason to have sex, women would be pregnant more often than not. This also does not discuss the fertility issues that persist within our species where women have to plan, take medication, and modify standard behaviors in order to become pregnant. Sex is not just for procreation. It is a connection between people. There are other benefits of sex that completely are negated by the “soley for procreation” argument…let alone the small odds that pregnancy can occur in any given month. Let’s look at some health benefits of sex.

10 Benefits of Sex Higher Immune Response Lowers Blood Pressure
Improves Bladder Control Boosts Libido Exercise Lessens Pain Lowers Heart Attack Risk Lowers Prostate Cancer Risk Stress Reliever Improves Sleep

11 NP It is time for society to step up and realize that sexuality is not binary. Science is honing in on what forms our sexuality…but society continues to push archaic ideas that sexuality is only for a man and a woman…and that people should be shamed for engaging in sexual activity outside of these societal standards. Discuss Dr. Taylor Burrows…and misogynistic guy Discuss suicide among men and LGBTQIA It is time we educate ourselves on the diversity of the world and boost understanding that humanity is a spectrum in just about everything….and that is ok.

12 Human Sexuality What are the types? What influences sexuality?
How does society affect human sexuality?

13 Thank you to my Patrons James Jenn Carl Melanie Patrick Daniel Steven
Paola Keri Circe Keith Duke James NA/NA Graham Dragnaucht Godless Iowan Jennifer Richard Doc Fearsome Neil James Jenn Carl Melanie Patrick Daniel Steven Andy Zachary Tony Bo Steven Sarah Chris

14 You can find me…

15 Human Sexuality 1/26/2019 1/26/2019

16 Life Outside Earth 1/12/2019 1/12/2019

17 SOURCES homosexuality/

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