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Please, select a question: How does a personal account work? How to apply to a job offer? How to send a spontaneous application? How to recover your password?

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Presentation on theme: "Please, select a question: How does a personal account work? How to apply to a job offer? How to send a spontaneous application? How to recover your password?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please, select a question: How does a personal account work? How to apply to a job offer? How to send a spontaneous application? How to recover your password? How to logout to your personal account? 6/13/20141 Or hold on to see all the presentation…

2 6/13/20142 How does a personal account work?

3 6/13/20143 Have you ever created a personal account? To apply for one or more job offers, or send a spontaneous application, you have to create a candidate account. You will be able to update your personal and professional information, manage your documents, apply and follow-up your applications. YesNo

4 How to create your personal account? To apply for one or more job offer, click on create account 6/13/20144

5 Fill in the account creation form with your personal information The first information to give are the personal details. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory. 6/13/20145

6 Fill in the account creation form with your personal information Fill out the contact details. The e-mail address and the password chosen allow you to reconnect to your Dietsmann candidate account at any time. 6/13/20146

7 Fill in the account creation form with your personal information Dont forget to read and accept the legal notice in order to go to the next step 6/13/20147

8 Fill in the account creation form with your personal information 6/13/20148

9 Fill in the account creation form with your personal information Other information 6/13/20149 You can select the way you have known Dietsmann To go to the next step, click on create an account.

10 Add your documents 6/13/201410 This step allow you to add documents such as Resume, Cover letter, Diploma,.. The size of your document folder of your Dietsmann account is limited to 5 Mo. The formats authorized are:.doc,.docx,.pdf,.rtf,.jpg,.png,.gif.

11 Add your documents 6/13/201411 To validate the creation of your account, you must attach at least one CV.

12 Add your documents A pop up is opened and you can change the document name. 6/13/201412 Then, you have to select a language. And select a file by clicking on Browse.

13 Add your documents A new pop up is opened and allow you to select your document. To add this document click on open. 6/13/201413

14 Add your documents To finish, click on submit. 6/13/201414

15 Add your documents Your document is now added and its possible to see, delete or edit it. You can also see the size used on your documents folder. 6/13/201415

16 Create / edit a Dietsmann resume In case your CV is not available in any of these formats, we encourage you to create a Dietsmann CV by clicking on 'Create / edit a Dietsmann resume. Of course, if you have already uploaded your CV, you will be able to create a CV in Dietsmann Format 6/13/201416

17 Create / edit a Dietsmann resume 6/13/201417 Select a language for your resume.And click on create.

18 Create / edit a Dietsmann resume Then, fill in your personal details (marital status, number of dependent children, type of employement) and click on continue. 6/13/201418

19 Create / edit a Dietsmann resume To add information such as your professional experience, your technical skills, your education…click on show at the button of the line concerned. 6/13/201419

20 Create / edit a Dietsmann resume For example with the professional experience: click on show. 6/13/201420 And add period of experience

21 Create / edit a Dietsmann resume A pop up is opened and you have to fill in the information and click on submit. 6/13/201421

22 Create / edit a Dietsmann resume Your professional experience has been added in your Dietsmann resume. 6/13/201422 One you filled in all your information you can return on your CV selection by clicking on Return to CV selection below.

23 You can at any time return to your dashboard in order to add or manage your personal or professional information, manage your documents, see applications history and emails history sent with the recruiters, create or modify Dietsmann resume and add a photo. 6/13/201423 Manage your account

24 6/13/201424 Manage your account You are also able to add a photo, by clicking on add a photo but the file mustnt exceed 0.6 Mo.

25 Add a photo Then, click on Browse 6/13/201425 Then, click on Submit to attached your photo.

26 Add a photo You are able to change or delete your photo at any time by clicking on change my photo or delete my photo 6/13/201426

27 How to apply to a job offer? 6/13/201427

28 Apply to a job offer All locations: The country where you want to work All categories: The field of the job Contract type: Nationals only/ Nationals or expatriates Keyword(s): Put a word related with the job offer Reference(s): The vacancies code Three job offers maximum can be selected. 6/13/201428 Once you are connected to your personal account by fill in your email and password, you can apply to job offers. To look for a job you are able to filter your search by five criteria. Then, click on search.

29 Apply to a job offer To select a vacancie it is necessary to click on this one and select add to my selection below. 6/13/201429

30 Apply to a job offer If the job offer interests you, click on add to my selection below. 6/13/201430

31 Apply to a job offer The job offer selected is now added to your selection in the left of your screen. To continue your application, click on apply. 6/13/201431

32 Apply to a job offer After to have selected documents you want to send for these job offer, you can click on submit. You will receive an email on the mailbox choosed for your login who will confirm your application. 6/13/201432

33 How to send a spontaneous application? 6/13/201433

34 Send a spontaneous application Click on Create account and fill in the application form as explain before. 6/13/201434

35 Send a spontaneous application In the section my selection on the left of the screen, click on spontaneous application. 6/13/201435

36 How to recover your password? 6/13/201436

37 Recover your password With time, you can forget your password which allow to connect to your personal account. However, it is possible to ask us to send its by email (on the mailbox choosed for your login) by clicking on Forgot Password?. 6/13/201437

38 Recover your password Then, its necessary to write your email (the one choose at the personal account creation) and click on Reset Password. An email will be sent to your mailbox with your personal account password. 6/13/201438 Jhon @ g mail.c om

39 How to logout to your personal account? 6/13/201439

40 To logout Click on logout on the left on the screen to leave your personal account. To access again to your pesonal account, you need to connect with your email and your password specified when creating. 6/13/201440

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