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Room 15 News & Notes September 24 – 28, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Room 15 News & Notes September 24 – 28, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Room 15 News & Notes September 24 – 28, 2018
Mrs. Nakamura (Go to Teacher Pages) Today the children had their vision and hearing screening. Children who fail either, or both, of these screenings will be notified via a letter home. It will be hot weather all this week. Please have your child bring a water bottle for school. I allow students to have water at their desks, but not juice. Accidental spills with juice makes the cleanup sticky and messy. Parent teacher conferences will be the week of Oct. 8th. I will be sending home your assigned conference time later this week. If you can’t make your assigned time, please me! MATH: This week we will work on comparing three digit numbers: greater than (>), less than (<), equal to (=). We will also order three-digit numbers from least to greatest, and greatest to least. ELA: Comprehension skill: Key details. We will read the non-fiction stories “Taking Care of Pepper” and “Lola and Tiva”, and talk about how photos, captions, and text can help us find key details. We will also talk about what a topic is, and how key details can help us figure out the topic. Sight Words: done, water, your, now, move Vocabulary Words (in the stories): allowed, care, excited, needs, safe, roam, wandered, wild WRITING: The children all have writing journals in which they record their writing. We have been working on personal narratives, or stories, these past few weeks, and will continue to do so in the upcoming months. PICTURE DAY will be on Wed., Oct. 3rd. Say cheese! ROOT BEER FLOAT SOCIAL will be on Wed., Oct. 6pm in the MPR. NO SCHOOL (Teacher Training Day) on Fri., Oct. 5th. SCHOOL BEAUTIFICATION DAY will be on Sat., Oct. 6th. PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES will be from Mon. Oct. 8th to Fri. Oct. 12th. Please be on the lookout later this week for your assigned conference time.

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