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Office of the President

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1 Office of the President
7/29/2019 3:47 AM Office of the President Budget Hearing 4/22/2016 Overview of Recommendations © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

2 Office of the President
Protect the core mission of the university Have the least amount of impact on students Preserve quality Keep FVSU first! Departments: President’s Office Staff Campus Safety Human Resources Legal & Compliance Budget: $2,963,241 Personal Services $29,582 Travel $189,016 Operating Supplies $3,181,839 Total Budget

3 5% Budget Reduction - $159,092 Reduce budget by eliminating some campus safety hours used for training, paperwork, rounds, etc. - $111,197 Will impact morale, visibility and productivity Eliminate Skillsoft training - $5,500 Removes valuable employee training & discipline tool Reallocate greater percentage of Athletics salary from OOTP to Athletics budget - $40,163 Negatively impacts athletics budget & ability to add essential staff like strength & conditioning Eliminate portion of operating budget - $3756 Spec Asst/Counsel budget line for training & travel

4 7% Budget Reduction - $63,637 Eliminate campus safety pre-shift briefing, replace with briefing sheets - $27,799 Will impact visibility, productivity, training & comradery Eliminate executive leadership budget - $4,000 Removes valuable employee development tool Reallocation of background check expenses to positions funded by auxiliary and/or grant funds - $2,439 Will shift financial burden to stressed auxiliary and, in some cases, sponsored fund budgets Reduction of one FTE - $28,080 Will impact service level; position currently vacant

5 9% Budget Reduction - $63,637 Reduction of one FTE - $28,080
Will severely impact service level & morale; position currently vacant Downgrade one position - $35,100 Will remove important functions from operations and impact employee morale Reduction in postage and interoffice mailing of documents to reduce mailing and paper costs - $500 Relying more on and scanning of documents can result in nominal cost savings

6 One-Time Critical Needs
Emergency radio equipment upgrades - $45,000 We must have seamless communications with other emergency responders to better handle crisis situations Replace 3 campus safety vehicles - $75,000 Vehicles have in excess of 230k miles, very worn and may not perform optimally in an ER situation, & age makes costly upkeep Added security cameras - $30,000 Certain areas lack video surveillance (Huntington, cashier's office, WR campus, etc.)

7 Questions Thank You!

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