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Ch. 4 Completing the Foundation: Roots and Combining Forms

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1 Ch. 4 Completing the Foundation: Roots and Combining Forms
COLORS Ch. 4 Completing the Foundation: Roots and Combining Forms

2 Albus, alba, alb-: White Linea alba (white line) - a fibrous structure that runs down the midline of t he abdomen.

3 Chlor/o-, Chloros: Green
Chlor/o/phyll – a green pigment, present in all green plants

4 chrom/o-, chromat/o-: Color (as compared with no color, a/chromat/ic)

5 Cirrhos: Orange-yellow
Cirrhos/is of the liver – chronic liver damage from a variety of causes leading to scarring and liver failure.

6 cyan/o-: Blue Cyan/o/sis – Bluish color of the skin, nails, lips or around the eyes.

7 Erythr/o-: red Erythr/o/cyte – a red blood cell.

8 leuc/o-, leuk/o-: white
Leucoderma (Vitiligo) – a disease that causes the loss of skin color in blotches.

9 Lutein: Saffron yellow
Lutein “the eye vitamin” used to prevent diseases of the eye. A carotenoid vitamin related to beta carotene & vitamin A.

10 Melan/o-: Black Melanin - a dark brown to black pigment occurring in the hair, skin, and iris of the eye in people and animas.

11 Photo-: light Photo/dermat/oses is a skin disease that is caused by exposure to sunlight, typically due to the ultraviolet rays.

12 Gray (relating to the gray matter of the nervous system)
Poli/o-: Gray (relating to the gray matter of the nervous system) Poli/o/myel/itis - inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord caused by a viral infection.

13 Rhod/o-: Red A rhododendron (azalea) is a large bush with large flowers which are usually pink, red, or purple. Contains a toxin that causes a syndrome of repeated, bloat,vomiting, abdominal pain and frequent defecation.

14 Ruber, rubor: red, redness
This salamander is called a Rubor rubor.

15 Xanth/o: Yellow or yellowish

16 Questions?

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