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TERENA GA, Bucharest, 22 October 2010

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1 TERENA GA, Bucharest, 22 October 2010
SWITCHconnect TERENA GA, Bucharest, 22 October 2010 Christoph Graf Bucharest, 22 October 2009

2 Physical Mobility 1. Access to the world Guest Campus Home Campus
2. Access to resources on the home campus 3. Access to resources on the guest campus SWITCHlan SWITCHmobile wireless roaming collaboration service in place for many years (pre eduroam) - based on VPN - captive portals to inform/direct users and to accommodate other means of authentication and services - captive portal in use provided by university spin-off, which was also working on a different project: offering access to multiple providers to the Zurich Airport WLAN Guest User

3 Coverage FHZ SUPSI UniSI

4 PWLAN (Overview Members)
21’800 People Internet 4’000 People 4’600 People ~1600 Hotspots 70 People ~330 Hotspots 15’600 People ~175 Hotspots 1’500 People 7’500 People ~265 Hotspots 17’100 People

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