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Does a 20 minute recess improve classroom behavior, attentiveness and academic achievement in Vermont 7th and 8th graders? Heather Reid EDFS 209.

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Presentation on theme: "Does a 20 minute recess improve classroom behavior, attentiveness and academic achievement in Vermont 7th and 8th graders? Heather Reid EDFS 209."— Presentation transcript:

1 Does a 20 minute recess improve classroom behavior, attentiveness and academic achievement in Vermont 7th and 8th graders? Heather Reid EDFS 209

2 Literature Review Recess results in improved classroom behavior and more on task time for elementary school students. Recess is more affective when scheduled before lunch.

3 Literature Review Jarrett and fellow researchers (1998) found a significant difference between 4th graders when they had recess than when the same students went without. They were on task 90% of the time with recess and 85% of the time without. Barros, Silver and Stein (2009) found that teachers ranked 8 and 9 year olds with recess to be better behaved in the classroom than those that did not have recess.

4 Methods - Participants
Schools currently DO NOT have recess 10 schools total Schools selected to vary geographically and based on school type (K-12, 7-12, 5-8) Students/Parents/Teachers asked for consent

5 Design - Variables Independent Variable: 20 minutes of recess Dependant Variable: Academic Achievement, Classroom Behavior, Classroom Attentiveness

6 Methods – Design Part 1 Recess Group Five Schools Non-Recess Group The researchers will randomly assign all seventh and eighth graders in five of the schools to either a recess or non-recess group for the entire year.

7 Methods – Design Part 2 In the other five schools, all students will have recess or no-recess based on a random rotating schedule. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Recess No-Recess

8 Methods – Data collection
Academic Achievement: Stanford Achievement Test and GPA Classroom Behavior: Teacher evaluations at the end of each day using a Likert scale with open ended questions to follow Classroom Attentiveness: Observational technique during the months of October, January, May coded for W (work) or on-task behavior, F (fidgety) excessive movement, and L (listless) staring, slumping, eyes shut

9 Results Students with a 20 minute recess break each day will have:
higher academic achievement! better classroom behavior! more classroom attentiveness!

10 Alternative Results 7th and 8th grade students are developmentally capable of going without recess 7th and 8th graders don’t always use their break time to run around, and the positive benefits of recess might come from physical activity, not “break” time

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