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Vocabulary/Word Wall 2.2 English 2, Grade 10.

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1 Vocabulary/Word Wall 2.2 English 2, Grade 10

2 Word Wall Corroborate (adj) Define: to confirm or give support to
The witness corroborated the boys’ story during the testimony.

3 1. Inexorable (adj.) Relentless or never-ending
Years of inexorable wave action had polished the rocks along the beach to a marble-like shine.

4 2. Diffident (adj.) Modest or shy because of lack of self confidence
The diffident student hated to speak in front of the class.

5 3. Disparity (n.) A great difference or inequality
Despite the 12-year disparity between my age and my sister’s, we get along very well.

6 4. Extrovert (n.) An out-going, expressive person
As an extrovert, Leilani preferred parties and entertainment to staying home watching a movie.

7 5. Collaborate (v.) To cooperate and work together
The band and the cheering squad have to collaborate carefully when choosing music and routines.

8 Roots: Bene; good Commun: to share Example: benefit, benefactor
Example: community, communicate

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