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Just Basic Lessons 8 Mr. Kalmes.

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Presentation on theme: "Just Basic Lessons 8 Mr. Kalmes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Just Basic Lessons 8 Mr. Kalmes

2 Lesson 8 Objectives Define strings
Understand the purpose of strings in BASIC programming

3 Variable & Strings What is a variable?
String: String variables hold strings of characters (numbers, letters, and symbols) that can be used later in the program. Examples: data$ age$ name$

4 Write the following program:
String Program 1 Write the following program:

5 Write the following program:
String Program 2 Write the following program:

6 Please click on and complete Lesson 8 Journal
Journal Part 2 Please click on and complete Lesson 8 Journal

7 Create a Program Create a program (use your imagination) that has a minimum of 4 strings that you can combine It must also include GOTO commands and If-Then commands There is no rubric for this but try and create something that you know isn’t too easy for you Save as “LASTNAME_BASIC8

8 Please complete your exit slip via google forms

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