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Using Collaborative/Participatory Evaluation Methods to Give Voice to Stakeholders in Clinical and Translational Research AEA 2018 Chair: John F. Stevenson,

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Presentation on theme: "Using Collaborative/Participatory Evaluation Methods to Give Voice to Stakeholders in Clinical and Translational Research AEA 2018 Chair: John F. Stevenson,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Collaborative/Participatory Evaluation Methods to Give Voice to Stakeholders in Clinical and Translational Research AEA 2018 Chair: John F. Stevenson, University of Rhode Island Discussant: William Trochim, Cornell "Translational" = Research steps to expedite the movement from laboratory research to impactful health practices John Stevenson, Chair William Trochim, Distinguished Discussant

2 Acknowledgement Research reported in this session was supported via Institutional Development Awards (IDeA) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. Thanks to NIGMS for support helping to make this research possible!

3 IDeA-CTR Purpose: To enhance biomedical research activities in states that have had historically low NIH grant funding success rates Provides support for: Developing infrastructure and human resources required to conduct clinical and translational research in IDeA-eligible states Enhancing the ability of IDeA institutions and investigators to develop competitive clinical and translational research programs Fostering and sustaining collaboration and coordination of clinical and translational activities within and across IDeA institutions and organizations Addressing health conditions that affect the medically underserved and/or that are prevalent among populations in IDeA states For states that have had historically low NIH grant funding success rates. These CTR Centers provide the infrastructure, resources , professional development that will enhance the competitiveness of the investigators to obtain additional funding for clinical and translational research.  and enhance collaboration and coordination

4 Required Key Component Activities (KCAs)
Biostatistics Clinical, Epidemiology, and Research Design Core Professional Development Core Pilot Projects Program Tracking and Evaluation Community Engagement and Outreach Core* Terminology "KCA" helpful for today's presentations These activities make good sense given the mission This list has evolved. Most sites have added optional KCAs.

5 IDeA Program Infrastructure for Clinical and Translational Research (IDeA-CTR)
10 centers are currently funded (maybe already out of date!?) States represented: Mississippi Nebraska Rhode Island South Carolina

6 Themes for This Session
1. Collaborative/participatory methods to engage stakeholders in evaluation Recommended by the Evaluation Committee of a CTSA Consortium Supported by the empirical meta- evaluation literature Captured in 8 evidence-based principles Preaching to the choir re: partic/collab for utilization Shula et al (2016 AJE): these principles helpfully organize thinking and acting for a collab approach Shulha, L.M., Whitmore, E., Cousins, J.B., Gilbert, N., & al Hudib, H. (2016). Introducing evidence-based principles to guide collaborative approaches to evaluation: Results of an empirical process. American Journal of Evaluation, 37(2), Clarify motives for collaboration Foster meaningful relationships Develop a shared understanding of the program Promote appropriate participatory processes Monitor and respond to resource availability Monitor evaluation progress and quality Promote evaluative thinking Follow through to realize use

7 Themes for This Session
2. Innovative methods for conveying stakeholder perspectives to key policy-makers Complex context: multiple institutions and hierarchic levels of power within them Varying organizational and professional cultures “Stakeholders” can include novice researchers, administrators, as well as engaged “communities” Internal and external evaluation perspectives Speaking truth up the hierarchy and across organizations with differing cultures

8 Today’s Presentations
Using Evaluation Retreats for Iterative and Collaborative Review L. Boney, S. Downey, & M.L. Lindsey Evaluation to Action: Quarterly Reports and Continuous Quality Improvement P. Estabrooks, M. Cramer, & J.J. Rohde Increasing the Quality and Quantity of CTR in RI: Comparing Views of Program Leadership and the Local Research Community J.Fede, S.J. Kogut, J.F. Stevenson, A.R. Hayward, & C. Willey Maintenance of Translational Evaluations with a Toolkit of Theories R. Paranal & J. Harvey Best to move straight into the first paper -- Sue Downey for Mississippi

9 Audience participation:
Hold discussion questions and comments until all presenters and the Discussant have finished Ask clarification questions at any time

10 Today’s Presentations
Using Evaluation Retreats for Iterative and Collaborative Review L. Boney, S. Downey, & M.L. Lindsey Evaluation to Action: Quarterly Reports and Continuous Quality Improvement P. Estabrooks, M. Cramer, & J.J. Rohde Increasing the Quality and Quantity of CTR in RI: Comparing Views of Program Leadership and the Local Research Community J.Fede, S.J. Kogut, J.F. Stevenson, A.R. Hayward, & C. Willey Maintenance of Translational Evaluations with a Toolkit of Theories R. Paranal & J. Harvey

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