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In the Spirit of Student Success

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1 In the Spirit of Student Success
College of the Sequoias Strategic Plan Spring 2011 Update

2 Purpose Using six areas of focus
To serve as a foundation for how the college will establish goals and make decisions To serve as a framework for a tactical plan to make the Strategic Plan operational

3 Focus Student Access Students’ Success in Completing Their Education
Students’ Mastery of Basic Skills Efficient and Effective College Practices Students as Citizens of a Global Community Economic Growth of Tulare and Kings Counties

4 History Institutional Planning Committee (IPC) formed in 2009
Community input within the COS service area Employee and student participation Development of a Tactical Plan

5 Plan Identifies different committees, work areas, initiatives, and grants across campus that are responsible for developing action plans to achieve the Strategic Plan’s measurable outcomes Created in 2010

6 Groups Essential Learning Initiative Cabinet College Council
Curriculum Committee Safety Committee Facilities Committee Faculty & Staff Diversity Committee VP Academic Services Faculty Enrichment Committee PIO VP Student Services Outreach Coordinator Academic Senate PACE Student Equity Committee Technology Committee Dean of CTE Academic Senate Academic Services Articulation Business Division Career/Transfer Center Counseling Disability Resource Center Food Services Health Center International Students Learning Resources Math Lab Public Information Office Research & Planning Student Services Tech Prep Technology Services Tutorial Center Work Experience Writing Center

7 Process Participatory groups review and update the Tactical Plan regularly and report progress to the IPC College participatory groups and community review the Strategic Plan annually IPC considers modification of the Strategic Plan based on input of participatory groups and approved by the College Council as needed. IPC aligns the Strategic Plan’s objectives and outcomes to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges’ Accreditation Standards

8 I. Student Access Customer Service Facilities Technology

9 II. Students’ Success in Completing their Education
Culture of Achievement Expanded Avenues and Opportunities Program Requirements Aligned with Job Opportunities

10 III. Students’ Mastery of Basic Skills
Interventions Student Preparation for Assessment Successful Completion

11 IV. Efficient and Effective College Practices
Become a Green Campus College Operations Campus Technology Focus on Student Success

12 V. Students as Citizens of a Global Community
Knowledge of World Culture Human Diversity Community Involvement Healthy Behavior

13 VI. Economic Growth of Tulare and Kings Counties
Employment and Transfer Innovation and New Enterprise Upgrade Workforce Skill Sets

14 Progress Augmented Instruction (AI) Mandatory Orientation On Course

15 Questions or Comments

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