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EGR introductory course

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1 EGR introductory course
Introduction EGR introductory course

2 Why introductory? General overview and information about EGR No access to real EGR data EGR is a database What is not about Explanation of data exchanges, because a transition between is in place but not completed Data quality user application, because it is still under development

3 What is about Program developed in four main lectures:
Users' need and concepts Profiling methodology EGR process description Use of EGR as a frame for statistics

4 + a Poster with Acronyms & Glossary
… and in 8 Posters Sessions Class split in two groups Facilitate discussion and direct questions Control and group structures UCI special cases EGR 1.0 and 2.0 EGR Identification Service Selection of the groups for Profiling Exercise on Profiling How to get an EGR frame Content of EGR frame + a Poster with Acronyms & Glossary

5 Introductory sessions
Ice-breaking Collect expectations, requirements, discuss and share views Class split in 4 groups Each group discuss about expectation and requirements Select some key-words Collect

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