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Restorative Practices 101 NWESD 189 Social Emotional Learning Summit

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1 Restorative Practices 101 NWESD 189 Social Emotional Learning Summit
Jeannette siemerS, M.Ed, NBCT Licensed Facilitator/Trainer, IIRP Assistant Principal, Monroe High School Circle up: Name, where from and your role, familiarity on scale 1-10 of RP Intro self Frame of reference as to why this is important to me: Own ACES Mom-what I want for my own children in their education process. If I want it for my own children, why wouldn’t I provide for the children I work with every day? Overarching theme of everyone has the right to be heard-share story of Keller and Lizzy

2 What are Restorative Practices?
Relationship ⚬ Community ⚬ Restoration 3-fold focused on community/relationship building, repairing harm and restoring relationships Explicit framework of how best to work with people (any kind of people, ages 5-75 in all sorts of situations) 80% is proactive and 20% is reactive Overall premise is to empower with an empathy mindset-love this quote from To Kill A Mockingbird.

3 Where do Restorative Practices come from?
Relationship ⚬ Community ⚬ Restoration Ted and Susan Wachtel-CF Buxmont Academy working with ARY This quote specifically talks about those in authority, but really works for any relationship-I use with my own children and their friends as well as high school students So where is the research that supports these practices??? Next I’m going to cover a few of the key elements.

4 Social Discipline Window

5 The 9 Affects Affects: nine, innate biological affects-studied babies and response to stimuli Feelings: come a few seconds after Emotions: scripted responses formed by our cultural and societal experiences and backgrounds Six negative, two positive and a neutral that acts as a reset

6 Compass of Shame Four negative ways and one positive
Explore the four negative Ideas for positive??? Talk about it, apologize, admit wrongdoings, make amends, express feelings How do we do this?

7 Think of an experience in which you felt you were treated unfairly
Think of an experience in which you felt you were treated unfairly. What was one thing that was missing that would have made the experience feel more fair?

8 FAIR PROCESS Engagement Explanation Expectation Clarity
Engagement: getting to be part of the process in decisions that affect them, input and refute other’s ideas Explanation: everyone understands the why decisions are made Expectation Clarity: everyone understands the new boundaries and consequences of failure

9 “Individuals are most likely to trust and cooperate freely with systems – whether they themselves win or lose by those systems – when fair process is observed.” Kim & Mauborgn, Harvard Business Review, Jan 2003

10 Restorative Practices Continuum
L to R: proactive to reactive, informal to formal, 1-2 individuals to multiple individuals I feel…

11 AFFECTIVE STATEMENTS Set Boundaries-Provide feedback-Teach empathy
You played nicely today. Be respectful Get out of my room-you are nothing but a problem Good job Think before you speak Thank you for listening Don’t act so stupid all the time Great job on your test I’m going to call the cops You’re a good reader Behave or I’m going to call your parents You did a nice job on your homework Get your head off the table Get your act together Let’s practice. Partner up. Partner A will choose a sentence from slide and Partner B needs to restate as an affective statement. Then switch.

12 AFFECTIVE QUESTIONS Questions for the ”Offender”
Questions for the “Victim” What happened? What did you think when you realized what happened? What were you thinking at the time? What impact has this incident had on you and others What have you thought about since? What has been the hardest thing for you? Who has been affected by what you have done? In what way? What do you think needs to happen to make things right? What do you need to do to make things right? Let’s practice. Switch to a new partner. Partner A will think of a time when they were harmed by someone (please don’t use an example that will cause you to relive that trauma). Partner B will ask the questions. Then switch spots.

13 Restorative Practices Continuum
Bringing together a few people to talk about the incident, its impact and what to do next using the questions Full day training to go over these three practices and the theory behind RP which is where we will go next

Proactive vs Reactive Ensuring every voice is heard Anyone use circles in their classroom? Checking in, building connections, whole class problem-solving Use circles mostly proactive and can use responsively Conference-give example of Physics class boys

15 Questions? Circle Up: One thing you learned today that you can use right away?

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